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I haven't yet figuredout what Jax is going to look like, but I will figure it out.

I haven't yet figuredout what Jax is going to look like, but I will figure it out

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Okay, she has been going out almost every night, but she doesn't always come home the same time.

Last night she came home and looked - and smelt - hungover. The only reason I knew what she smelt like was because I was over her house, talking to her sister, Tia, who I had only just met. I was locked out of my house and she was laughing at me from the porch, and offered me to hang here until my foster parents come home and let me in.

Tia doesn't look like Ali. She has dirty blonde hair and grey eyes. Kind of like a very faded blue color. Apparently she is Ali's younger sister. She is amazing, even though Ali is a very attractive girl, Tia is something.

We were in her room and it turns out that we have alot in common. She is a blogger like me, and she has a love for Star Wars too. She said her favorite are the good guys, because she believes in the good in all people. As she said this, she turned around as she noticed her sister, Ali, staggering through the door, holding her head and jacket, headed to the stairway.

"How about you Ali? Good or bad guys?" She said with a slight smile.

Ali slowly turned her head, looking at, Tia, then looking at me. Something whipped through her eyes, but she blinked it out.

"I prefer the bad guys." She said bluntly. I raised a brow at her, hoping for a reason. "Because it's the thrill of power and adventure that catches me." She said as if deciding on two different answers, staring unsurely at the stairs.

But anyway, soon after that, my foster mum came home, so I said my goodbyes and went back inside. I went upstairs to my room, and out of instinct, I looked out my window.

I saw her. She was sat in a ball on her bed, with her head hung down. She was just in her underwear. I knew I should look away, but I couldn't. I knew something was wrong. It looked like she was choking, but not suffocating. Like when you are crying.

That had me really concerned, so I grabbed my jacket and went to head back outside, but as I swung ny jacket on, I saw back in her window, and I saw Evan. I slowly pulled my jacket off and watched as he crawled across her bed to her, grabbing her face and talking to her.

He is covered in tattoos. And he didn't look that big in school. Whatever they were talking about, she was crying hard, as if she were in pain, and he was talking to her. It tore me apart to see her like that, but it made my blood boil to see her with him.

He's wrong for her. He's too overprotective and it's gross. A man should show his love by showing her affection or something, not throwing guys into walls.

Is he making her cry? I swear to god, if he is-

I looked up and through her window again. Call me creepy if you want but I don't care. He was picking her up, then he gave her a hug. I thought I might have had to close my curtains in case they were doing the dirty, but all he dome was hug her. I envied him at that point. He gets an angel, yet the angel gets the devil.

As they hugged, I noticed the huge skull, surrounded by other things, tattooed on his back. I was lost in the art on his back, and my eyes rose to her head, which was looking right at me. She was naturally looking at me, then, something snapped, causing her to glare at me. She said something, causing Evan to put her down. He then turned around and locked eyes with me.

I had to look away. He was in his underwear too, but he actually scared the hell out of me. I already knew he was mad. I took one last glimpse at the window, then I saw him still standing there, in his intimidating  (which is succeeding by the way) stance, but his eyes-I could've sworn they were silver before. But now, they were black. Like, very black. His entire eye (even the white part) was black. It scared the hell out of me.

I stumbled back, tripping over my laptop charger on the floor, my head connecting with the corner of my bed, causing lights out.


I don't know why I told Evan that Jax was looking. I just didn't want to risk exposing-

"He fell." Evan said suddenly, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked up at him, and his black eyes were fading back to his normal silver eyes. When they were normal again, his eyes softened on me.

"How are you feeling?" He asked as he sat back down on the bed, scanning my face.

"My mouth hurts." I replied, swallowing the vomit that wants to come up from the taste of blood.

"Let me see." He said as he opened my mouth, looking at both the left and right side. "Well, they're definitely there. And it will hurt the for the next couple of hours. Just try and get some sleep and when you wake up, the pain will have gone and it won't come back. Trust me." He smiled as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Ali." He said with that voice again. "I love you." He said, looking at the floor. That's the only time he has said that to me. I snapped my head up and looked at him.

"Evan-" I began, but he cut me off, grabbing my hands and holing them on his face.

"Just because I said it, don't think that you have to say it. I know it is a hard subject for you, and I will wait until you are ready to say it. And I can not wait for the day." He said with that heartwarming smile.

Who would have thought. One of the most dangerous men ever could make the world stop spinning just by a simple smile. It would have made most girls swoon. But I'm not most girls.

It froze me to the core.

I knew what he could do with the right persuasion, and I knew he could kill if things didn't go his way.


Trying for that 'what does she mean?' effect, but I don't think it worked 😂

So, what so you think so far?

As I have said up top, im not sure what Jax is going to look like. Hopefully I will know soon.

And how about Tia? Is there a romance brewing there? Or is it just Jax and Tia, two good friends?

Don't forget to hit that like button, and if you have any questions, leave a comment or dm.



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