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Just thought you might want a better view of Evan Liano. I don't know why but he is my man crush😂❤❤


I woke up the later that night, naked and under the covers with a sleeping Evan beside me. After I lied about loving him, he was so happy. A little too happy if you know what I mean. Even though I don't know if I love the guy, I have to admit that he is great in bed.

I carefully get up, pulling on my long hoodie and some underwear, sitting on the edge of the bed. I run my hands though my hair and look down at my dark wood floor. What have I done? I don't know if I love Evan. If I don't, then he will hurt Jax. But if I do, then maybe Jax was the wakeup call for me to realize that I do love Evan.

I shake my head and head walk out into the hallway, carefully closing the door quietly behind me.

"Ali?" I heard Tia call out from her bedroom across the hall.

"Hey." I smile softly as I walked over to her room and leant on the doorway.

"You can come in, you know." She said as she patted her bed. She was laying down on her bed, looking up at the mirror on the ceiling.

I layed down beside her, looking up too. "What's up?" I asked, looking at her through the reflection.

"Do you like him?" She asks with a sad smile.

"Who?" I ask. She could mean Evan. She could mean Jax.

"Jackson." She replies. The only person I have heard call Jax Jackson is Elizabeth. But anyways, do I?

"No." I answer. I hope not.

"Okay, it's just, you and Evan seem to be getting into alot more fights since Jax moved here. And I heard you two yelling yesterday when you were in the kitchen." She sighed, fiddling with her necklace.

Tia knows that Evan is a vampire. And she knows about my transition too. She dispised Evan at first, but he said that they should hang out one-on-one to get to know eachother. He took her camping at Mt Purity Falls. He knew she loved that place. They camped there for the night and when they came back, she said that she 'doesn't mind him'.

"Come on, Tia. You know Evan is an overprotective guy." I smiled lightly.

"We don't like eachother like that, just so you know. I only said date because I knew Evan would go crazy if a single man was hanging around you." She laughed.

"So, you are fake dating?" I asked, turning to look at her.

"Let's just say, friends with benefits." She winked at me as she turned to face me.

"Ooh you dirty little girl." I laughed. She laughed with me.

"What's going on in here?" I heard that familiar voice laugh from in her room somewhere.

It was Jax.

I instantly shot up and saw him walking out of her bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist. "Jax!" I screamed. As I jumped up, I fell off the bed, landing on my butt with a thud.

"Well, at least we know gravity still works." He laughed.

I heard Tia laughing her ass off at my fall. "Ha ha. Very funny." I laughed sarcastically as I threw a cushion at her.

Then it hit me. "Ew! Couldn't you go to his house and do that?!" I groaned as I realized what they were doing earlier on.

"I could say the same about you and Evan." She shot back with a challenging tone.

"Shut up." I laughed. Yep, she won that one. I heard a chuckle come from Jax, who was still in a towel. He was digging through his black bag, pulling out some deodorant.

"See anything you like?" He smirked. Uh oh. I quickly removed my eyes and turned around.

"Uh, im just-um," I stammered. "Use protection." I rushed out as I myself rushed out.

That's all I could say? Use protection? What an idiot! I mentally slapped myself. Well, as long as Tia makes Evan think that Jax doesn't like me, then all is well. I hope.

I walked back into my bedroom, closing the door behind me, leaning on it when it closed.

"How is dear Jackson?" Evan asked, causing me to jump.

Keep it cool moron. Stay calm.

"He's good." I replied without thinking.

Ohh you bloody moron Teller!

Evan raised a brow at me. He tensed up when he realized what I was wearing.

"You let him see you dressed like that?" He said with a partially disgusted look. I looked down and realized that I was still on in a hoodie and undies.

"So," I began, brushing Evan's previous statement off and crawling on the bed. "Tia and Jax are dating."

His eyebrows perked up. "Really?" He asked, slightly shocked.

"Yep." I answered. I was going to say 'I told you he didn't like me.' but I refrained myself.

"Okay then." He shrugged. He sat up and walked stark naked to my bathroom to go for a shower.

I watched him walk in there, admiring him. When he disappeared around the corner, I sat on the bed, not knowing what to do.

"You wanna join me?" He smirked as he leant against the doorframe, still naked.

Well, there's something to do.

I laughed lightly and made my way over to him, placing my hands on his face and kissing him. He picked me up, causing me to let out a squeal. I removed ny hoodie and kissed him again as he walked us over to my shower.


Don't judge her 😂

So, what do you think?

Do you think she loves Evan?

Are Jax and Tia faking it or are they for real?

Who do you think is better for Ali?

Anyways 😅



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