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Kian's POV
Jc told me how Brea was going to dinner. I wonder who she is going with and if they are on a date or if they're just friends. I hope their just friends. I'm kinda jealous.
Brea's POV 
Me and Jesse went to a chill restaurant nothing fancy. I was having a lot of fun.
"Are you excited to have a break from work?" he asked
"Yeah it'll feel nice to be able to relax" I said
Jesse is one of my best friends. He can be kinda annoying sometimes but for the most part he's great.
"So the reason I asked if you wanted to go to dinner was because I wanted to ask if you'll be my girlfriend" He said shyly
"Umm yeah I'd love to" I said faking a smile.
I don't know why I hesitated and wasn't that happy to say yes. I really liked him. I wonder how Kian is gonna react. Why am I even thinking of Kian.
When we were walking out of the restaurant there were paparazzi. He just held my hand while we walked to the car. Once we were in the car he drove off as fast as possible. We talked the whole car ride. I was happy to be his girlfriend but I couldn't get Kian off my mind. I went on Twitter and saw a bunch of tweets about me and Jesse or me and Kian.

i thought brea was dating kian not jesse
wait who is Brea dating
i hope Brea dates Kian instead of Jesse
Kian seems like an asshole i'm glad she's with Jesse

A lot of my fans were hating on Kian for some unknown reason. Some people are calling me a slut and things like that. None of it bothers me though because I'm somewhat used to it. Some people were celebrating me being with Jesse. I didn't know this would be so controversial but whatever. I closed out of  Twitter.
Kian's POV
I saw fans saying Brea was dating that guy she went out with. I really hope they're wrong. Brea can do better he seems like an asshole. A ton of her fans were hating on me and I don't even know why I didn't do anything.
Brea's POV
Jesse parked the car on the street.
"We should spend all of tomorrow together" He suggested
"Yeah sounds fun. What are we gonna do all day"
"It's a surprise. I'll pick you up at 11"
"Ok bye see you tomorrow"
He didn't leave until I was in the house.
"How was your date" Kian asked sounding disgusted
"Good why" I said back kinda annoyed
"Is he actually your boyfriend now" He said with an attitude
"Yes and I happen to really like him so stop with the attitude" I said with a small attitude
"What attitude" he said
"The one where you sound disgusted with the fact that I'm dating someone" I snapped back
"I'm not disgusted I just thinks it's kinda stupid how- you know what nevermind I'm not gonna fight with you this is stupid" he said angrily and walked away.
I went to Fran's room and she was just on her computer.
"What's up with Kian" I asked
"He's mad you have a boyfriend" She said
"Yeah I got that but why" I asked
"He likes you" She said casually
"oh" I said quietly
I don't even know how to react. Fran even seemed irritated with the fact I was with Jesse. Maybe I shouldn't stay here for the week. I went and started to pack up my stuff.
"What are you doing" Fran asked
"I think I'm gonna go back home" I said disappointed
"Why" She asked
"Because the two people I'm closest to in this house seem pissed at me for having a boyfriend" I responded
"I'm not pissed at you I think you should've given Kian a chance"  She defended
"He didn't make a move or say anything about liking me so what am I just supposed to read minds" I started to get mad
"Brea I'm sorry it's just I thought you guys would be cute together" She calmed down
"It's fine I think I need to go talk to Kian now" I said
I was on my way to Kians room when I saw Bobby vlogging and I decided to interrupt him. He described why I was there and we just messed around. Once he was done we started to talking. Turns out he's pretty fun. I don't mean that in a mean way I just never really spoke to him much other than our trip to In-n-Out. I then headed up to Kians room. He had told me his code so I just walked in.
"I'm sorry" I said
"Sorry for what you didn't do anything wrong I'm just an asshole" He seemed remorseful
"You're not an asshole" I said
I pulled out my phone and called Jesse and put it on speaker.
"Hey babe" He answered and Kian just gave me a weird look
"Hey I don't think I'll be able to hang out tomorrow I forgot I have plans sorry" I said which made Kian realize what was happening
"Oh ok well then maybe another day" He sounded disappointed
"Yeah well I gotta go bye" Then I hung up after he said bye back
"So wanna hang out tomorrow" I asked Kian smiling
"I'd love to" He smiled back
"Good so what are we gonna do" I asked
"Well since you'll end up hanging out with him a lot more. How about we hang out as much as possible." He said
"What do you mean" I asked
"Just come to my room at midnight"  He demanded
"Ok" I said

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