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As the party came to an end I went to find Kian and finally found him with Franny.
"Hey I think I'm ready to go home" I said to Kian
"Ok I think we're all getting tired we should head home" He agreed
We walked to the car. Kian said he'd take Fran home and then take me home. We dropped Fran off.
"Can you help give me directions to your house" He asked after Franny went inside
"Oh I thought I would stay at your place" I said disappointed
"Well do you have any clothes to sleep in" He responded
"No can't I just use yours" I giggled
"You're gonna steal them I know it" He said
"Maybe...maybe not" I laughed
We talked the whole car ride to his place and sang along to songs. I loved spending time with him it felt just like when we were kids. We finally got back to his place and I wasn't even tired anymore but he seemed exhausted.
"Wanna watch a movie" I asked optimistically
"Brea I'm tired I think I'm just gonna go to bed but you can stay up and watch a movie if you want" He said sounding tired
"What's the point of watching a movie alone" I whined
"You've never watched a movie alone?" He questioned
"Well not really...maybe a few times when I was younger but not so much now" I answered "I don't like doing stuff alone it's so boring"
"Well I guess it's different when you're known all over the world" He said with a slight attitude
"What's wrong why are you acting like this" I said hurt
"I'm just tired" He said and walked to his room
I gave him a minute before I walked in to his room.
"So do you have some clothes I can use" I said awkwardly
He was laying in bed on his phone...huh thought he said he was tired.
"Yeah my closet is right there" He pointed to his closet and turned his attention back to his phone.
I turned to his closet and grabbed a t shirt and sweatpants then went to the bathroom to change. I decided to sleep on the couch cause I was still mad at him and just didn't really want to be around him anymore. I got comfortable on the couch and then saw my phone light up.
Kian: are you gonna come lay down
Me: i am laying down
Kian: seriously just come lay down with me
I decided to leave him on read and went to sleep.

I woke up and checked the time to see it was 7:31 am I knew Kian wouldn't be up so I got all my stuff and called an uber so I could go home. I hated taking ubers but I didn't have much of a choice I still wasn't happy with him and I just wanted to go home. After about 5 minutes the uber got there and I went home it wasn't too long of a car ride. I got home and I went and took a shower and got dressed for the day. I didn't have any plans for the day but I figured something would happen. I was sitting on my bed when I got a call from Kian. I answered.
"Where'd you go" He asked, it sounded like he just woke up
"I went home" I said bluntly
"Brea I told you I was tired" He said
"I'm not even mad about that anymore" I explained
"Then what's your problem" He said exhausted
"Well first of all your being rude now and second you never even apologized" I said
"Baby I'm sorry I shouldn't have acted like that please come over" He pleaded
"Whatever fine only cause I have no other plans" I said stubbornly
"Yay ok I gotta go byee" He said happily
"Bye I'll be over soon" I said and hung up
I was ready for the most part I went to put on my shoes and then went to my car and drove over to Kians place.

outfit below

I got to Kians place and knocked on the door

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I got to Kians place and knocked on the door. He opens it in a t-shirt and sweatpants.
"Am I overdressed?" I ask annoyed noticing his outfit
"No you look beautiful I'm the one underdressed" He laughs I go to sit down on the couch and ask "What are we gonna do today?"
"Well we could go get something to eat" He says
"Ugh I'm so sorry I just ate before I came over here" I apologized
"Oh, well we could go The Grove and maybe see a movie" He suggested
"Yeah that sounds fun hurry up get ready" I smile
Kian got dressed and we went to the car. I plugged in my phone and played music. We got to The Grove as the sun was going down, we walked around for a little while doing some shopping. After about 30 minutes we decided to go see what movies were playing and we went to go see a random movie we thought would be interesting. After the movie we went back to his apartment.
"I had a really good time with you today" He smiled
"Yeah I did too" I responded
"This totally counts as a date" He said
"What? No way" I exaggerated
"Why not" He pouted
"You didn't ask me on a date this was just us hanging out"
"Isn't hanging out and going on a date kinda the same thing" He said
"They're different and this isn't a date" I said stubbornly
"Fine then, Breanna Rose Miller will you please go on a date with me" He said dramatically
"I can't stand you but yes I would love to" I smiled

We walked back to the car and he drove me to my place. I suggested he stayed the night but he told Bobby he'd come over so he left after I went inside. It hit me how tired I was once I laid down in bed. I fell asleep almost instantly but went to go change into something more comfortable before falling asleep.

I woke up around 11 am and like most people the first thing I did was check my phone. I had a few texts from my manager telling me not to be late for my meeting today at 12:30. Shit I really need to get ready and leave, I rushed around my house trying to get ready and leave as fast as possible. I got there around 12:25 just barely on time but still not late so my manager, Russell, can't get mad at me.
"I was really expecting you to be late" Russell said with an attitude, "It's just so rare you're on time"
"Well people can surprise you, you know I'm hurt by how much you underestimate me I mean how long have you been my manager" I joked back
"Long enough to know you're late 95 percent of the time" He remarked
The meeting started just going over a bunch of boring business stuff. I try my best to stay as interested as possible but sometimes I kinda zone out by accident. The meeting went on for about 45 minutes talking about PR things and what's coming up in my career. After the meeting my manager and I started talking.
"So what's going on with that dude you've been seen around with" He asked while on his phone
"His name is Kian" I said putting emphasis on his name "and we're going on a date soon" I smiled
"Guess you and Jesse didn't last long after tour ended" He said
"Yeah we didn't work out but I'm happy with Kian"
"That's good I'm happy for you but don't let yourself get too distracted you still have work to do" He said
Russell had been my manager since like day one of my career. He was almost like a father to me at times. He's told me a million times that his job sometimes feels like baby sitting, I always just respond by saying what would I do without you.
Once I got to my car I pulled out my phone and texted Kian.
Brea: soo when's that date supposed to be;)
After I sent the text I started driving back home. Once I got home I made some food for myself and decided to finish up a song I had been working on. As I started to finish up the song I got a text from Kian.
Kian: how about tonight at my place come over around 5
I smiled at my phone reading his text and responded "i'll be there". I rushed to my closet to get ready. I got dressed and put on makeup and then headed out the door to Kians place.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2022 ⏰

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