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Brea's POV
Today was the first day of tour. I was super excited. All day we were gonna be rehearsing for one last time. Kian and I haven't talked since the day we broke up. I've talked to Fran, Jc and Bobby I actually invited them to the concert. they said they'd love to come. We were currently 5 hours away from the concert starting. I was currently doing sound check. Once I'm done doing soundcheck Olivia and Mat are gonna go on for rehearsals then me. So I had a small break.

I was currently on my break and I decided to text Jc and ask if he wanted to head over early because there's probably a little bit less traffic right now. He said sure and that he would bring Bobby and Fran. I was excited to see them because I don't hang out with friends a lot anymore since I have been working. Last time I really hung out with friends was last month. I was getting hungry so I decided to go find food. I finally found a table of snacks and I took the bowl of potato chips.

I was back to rehearsals and I saw Jc, Fran and Bobby were here. They were watching me from the ground while I was on stage. They were messing around and being silly which made me laugh.

Jc's POV *1 hour ago*
I got a text from Brea asking if we wanted to go early. Kian told me how they had to break up but he didn't like talking about it and he was always moody. He seemed mad that she was staying with Jesse. I was nervous to leave because I don't want to piss off Kian by hanging out with Brea. I asked Bobby and Fran if they wanted to leave early and they said yes but I still don't know how to tell Kian. We were all getting ready. I knew Fran would end up taking forever because she always decides she needs to look perfect in front of Brea. I went over to Bobby's room to ask him what to do but Kian was in there.
"Where are you guys going?" Kian asked
"Brea's concert" I said nervously avoiding eye contact
"Kinda early don't you think" He said joking
"Yeah she asked if we wanted to come early and so we are going early" I explained
"Well have fun" he said almost passive aggressively while walking out
"Why is he being like that" Bobby asked
"Brea stayed with Jesse and they broke up" I said bluntly
Bobby just nodded and went back to what he was doing. A few minutes later Fran was finally ready and we left.
*present time*
We were watching Brea perform and messing around. It was different without Kian but I know he wouldn't have wanted to come. Plus Corey stayed at the house so it's not like he's alone.

Brea's POV
I finally finished rehearsals because people are coming into the stadium. I was hanging with Fran, Jc and Bobby. I felt so different without Kian and I missed him a ton. Jesse was with his friends, his friends kind of annoyed me sometimes so I was happy Jc and them are here. Right now we are all hanging out and talking. Jc has been into photography lately so I asked him if he wanted to be my photographer for this concert and he said yes. He kept talking about how excited he was which I found funny.

It was time for the show and I was super excited. I started performing and the crowd was loud. Jc was below the stage taking pictures of me while I was performing. Touring was gonna go on for a long time and I was gonna miss my friends. Though I love touring so much. I'll have Olivia and Mat and Jesse and of course everyone on my team but I'll miss all my other friends. After this show I'm headed to Oregon because tomorrow I have a show in Portland. I'm touring the U.S first and then I'm going to all the a few other countries.

The show ended and I walked off stage and Jc ran up to me to show me the pictures. Security freaked out because they didn't realize it was him at first which I found hilarious. He sent the pictures to me and we all said goodbyes and headed to the tour bus to leave for Portland. It was a long drive but I had some of my best friends with me so it was ok. The second we got on the tour bus I changed into sweatpants and a hoodie and went to sleep. Everyone else celebrated the beginning of tour but I was tired and prioritize sleep more than partying.

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