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Brea's POV
It was the morning and I woke up to 20 texts from Kian. I immediately hid my phone so Jesse wouldn't see. I was still kinda mad at him for the way he acted. I grabbed my phone and headphones and went to the kitchen. I put my headphones in and played music and then sat at the counter. I was planning on pouring a bowl of cereal but I got distracted reading the texts from Kian.
Kian: hey i'm really sorry for the way i acted
Kian: i love you
Kian: i'm really sorry
Kian: i miss you
Kian: i understand if you're mad or if you hate me
Kian: i get it if you're ignoring me
Kian: please answer
Kian: you're probably asleep i'm sorry
Kian: i'm sorry
Kian: i really love you
And 10 more texts saying the same things in different ways. I love him but he's a giant pain in the ass. I just glad my phone is always on silent and I don't have my vibrate on or else it probably would've woken me up...Jesse too but I'm honestly more concerned about my sleep. I decided to text him back.
Me: i wasn't ignoring you i was asleep
I sent the message and closed my phone and poured a bowl of cereal.

It was really early in the morning and so I knew Jesse was going to be asleep for a while. I woke up at 7 and Jesse usually wakes up at around 12. The reason I woke up so early was because I'm so used to waking up at this time I do it naturally. So I always wake up early. I have a lot of sleeping problems but I love sleeping so it's kinda inconvenient.

I noticed my phone buzzed. It was now 9 and I was on my roof relaxing. I was also working on my computer but I like my job so it was fine.
Kian: oh ok i'm sorry for blowing up you're phone
Me: your*
Kian: sometimes i hate you
Me: that's ok
Kian: when will we be able to hang out again
Me: i'm not sure i have a meeting today and then there's Jesse. but i'll make sure to make time for you i promise
Kian: ok i love you bye
Me: i love you too

My week of no work was over by now and I had a meeting today. The meeting was just with my manager and some other people that sorta take care of important things in my career. I wasn't completely sure what the meeting was about but I didn't really care. The meeting was at 1 so I had time. I was still in pjs. It is currently September but considering this is California it was getting hot out so I went inside. I saw Jesse on his phone. I was surprised to see him awake.

We were talking and having fun and we were still in pjs. It was now 12 and I had to leave for my meeting. Jesse got dressed and left and I got dressed finally. I left and took my Range Rover. I got to the meeting and was greeted by my manager. I got in the room and then they started.

*after meeting*

Most meetings are relatively boring but I have to listen because it's about my career. This meeting wasn't boring though. It was more concerning than boring. I was really nervous the whole ride home. I finally got home and called Olivia to come over. I trusted Olivia with everything. Most celebrities are shitty people and will tell other people you're personal information and before you know it TMZ knows. Olivia wasn't like that though, she acted like a normal person. It was nice to be around that considering how shitty most celebrities are.

Olivia arrived and I told her everything about Kian and the meeting and Jesse. She of course gave great advice. I mean that is one of the reasons she's my best friend, she's always given me great advice and helped me through everything. She was also one of the funnest people I know. Our personalities matched so well together. We hung out for a while and decided to play Mario Kart and by the way I beat her ass in it. She ended up leaving at like 9 pm. I was really hungry so I went and made some food. I didn't make anything complicated I just made macaroni and cheese because I'm lazy. It was good mac and cheese though. The rest of the night I spent watching The Office on Netflix even though I basically had the whole show memorized I've seen it so many times. It was getting late and I was getting tired so I went to bed but all that was on my mind was what was I gonna do. In the meeting they said I'm starting touring next month and it's going to last to March 1st. What was I gonna do about Kian? They said it was fine if Jesse came because we are dating but what about Kian. I decided to ask Olivia if she wanted to be an opening act considering she makes music but isn't super famous and she said yes. I decided I was gonna ask my other friend Mat to open for me.

I woke up at 8 am and checked my phone. I had a text from Mat.
Mat: hey i'd love to open for you in tour
Me: i didn't know i told you about tour
Mat: you didn't Olivia did
Me: oh ok glad you'll be joining me💕

He didn't respond and I didn't mind I'm sure he was just busy. I was still stressed about telling Kian. I love touring and am super excited but I'm really nervous. I laid in bed for a while just on my phone. Soon enough I was going to start rehearsing and everything was going to be non stop work again.

I called Kian and told him to come over. I needed to tell him even though I didn't want to.

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