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"What the hell" I yelled
"Brea hey" He said getting out of the bed
"You cheated on me on my fucking birthday" I screamed
"Why the hell were you coming to your room with him" Jesse yelled in disgust
"Because we wanted to catch up" I yelled back
"Yeah right" He scoffed
"How dare you try to turn this onto me. I would never cheat on you. I love you." I said
"I love you too please forgive me" He said calming down
"Not a chance in hell am I gonna just forgive you for cheating on me on my birthday you fucking dick" I said "Get out of my house...both of you" I yelled because the girl was still in my damn bed.
"Whatever you'll come back to me you're weak." He scoffed.
He walked off and I started balling. I didn't even want this stupid party in the first place.
"I'm sorry" Kian said softly
"It's ok. I just want to leave. I hate parties." I said
"Wanna go to my place and pick up food on the way" He asked
"Yeah" I said
We left and picked up In N Out on the way to his place. We talked the whole car ride. I missed him more than I thought I did.
"I like your place" I said walking in
"Thanks I happen to really like it too" He laughed
"Well yeah, dork" I laughed "Lets watch a movie" I suggested
"Ok what movie" He asked
"I don't know I'm good with whatever " I said
"Ok I'll look for something" he said going to the tv "How about Thor: Ragnarok" I suggested
"Ok" He put it on and we ate and watched the movie

I woke up in Kian's bed with him no where to be found.All I remember is falling asleep on his couch while watching Marvel movies with him. He must've brought me to his bed so I'd be comfier which is really sweet but I feel bad if he slept on the couch. I got up and walked to the kitchen to find Kian.
"Look who's finally up" He said sitting on the couch eating cereal
"It's not even that late" I whined
"Um what time do you think it is" He questioned
"like 8 or something"
"Brea it's 11:30" He laughed
"Actually it's 11:31" I said to annoy him
"Well whatever the time changes" He rolled his eyes
"Well I guess I should go home then" I said shyly
"Oh you don't have to leave so fast you know we could like hang out or something" He said
"Um I kinda have plans today sorry" I said
"Oh ok I'll give you a ride home" He said getting up and putting his bowl down
We walked to the car chatting about last night. I had forgotten all about being cheated on but I guess now I have to face reality and not just hide in Kian's apartment.
He drove me home and we talked and sang the whole car ride. I love car rides with him it always feels so calming and nice.
I walked inside after Kian drive off to see Olivia and Jesse yelling at each other.
"Can I know what's happening here" I sorta yelled so they would hear me
"Baby I'm so sorry about what happened last night I made a mistake and I was drunk. I made a stupid drunken mistake and you deserve so much better than me and I love you so much" Jesse said changing the tone of his voice entirely
"Don't forgive him what he did is wrong and I hate him and I've always hated him" Olivia said like a toddler
"I shouldn't have come back home" I said trying to process everything that was just said to me
"Can we please talk in private" Jesse asked sincerely
"No" Olivia said blankly and immediately answering for me
"Ok" I said calmly ignoring her
We walked to my home studio because we figured that's private enough. Olivia seemed mad at me for bothering to talk to him. I don't really want to get back together but I think I should hear him out.
"I'm sorry I don't really know what to say other than I'm sorry" He said genuinely
"I forgive you I guess" I said exhausted "but why did you do it, like is it something I did or..."
"No you're perfect. I don't know what made me do that. and I know that being drunk isn't an excuse. I have no clue what came over me.  And after you left I just cried and then Olivia came in screaming at me- "
"Wait how did Olivia know what happened" I cut him off
"I assumed you told her or she saw what happened I don't know I guess" He said cluelessly
"Whatever ok." I said
"Can I ask one thing though" He said sadly
"What's happened or was happening between you and Kian" He asked
"Um I don't know" I tried avoiding the question remembering I cheated on him first which I know is wrong.
"Please just tell me I know there must've been something" He pleaded
"Whatever just don't get mad at me.  Basically when we went on that trip to San Francisco we ended up dating for a little bit actually until I left for tour basically and then we got all serious on tour and I never spoke to him and technically I did cheat on you and I'm sorry and nothing has happened between us since we broke up" I said getting faster and faster knowing he's probably going to start screaming
"I forgive you and I'm not mad" He said way too calmly
"Wait what" I said confused
"I mean you forgave me super fast and have been calm with me and either way you guys didn't do much and weren't together for very long. If you had stayed with him or did anything with him last night I'd be mad but you didn't and you obviously wanted to be with me more because you brought me on tour with you and not him you know" He said getting less and less sweeter
"Yeah so what now" I asked scared we were gonna get back together
"I don't know" He said looking around
"I wanna know what happened last night between you and that girl" I said
"Um we you know- Brea I don't think you really want to know" He said awkwardly
"No" I laughed "I mean like how Olivia knew so fast and stuff"
We laughed for a bit. Then he answered
"We could check the security cameras"
"Ok. but wait-" I said
"there's more" he said like and infomercial making me laugh. He always knew how to make me laugh whether it was something stupid or not he knew how to make me happy.
"But seriously what about us like what is happening between us" I asked
"Breanna Rose Parrish, will you be my girlfriend...again" He said dramatically

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