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Kian's POV
I headed over to Brea's house. She sounded nervous on the phone. The only thing I could think of is if she was gonna break up with me. Maybe she doesn't want to be with me anymore or she likes Jesse more than me. I was really worried.

I got to Brea's house and she answered the door. It looked like she had just gotten out of bed. She greeted me and she seemed really anxious. I was really concerned.
"I have something I need to tell you" She said looking down
"Are you breaking up with me" I asked sacred
"No I don't want to break up" She said looking worried at me "But I'm going to be gone for kinda a long time." She said nervously
"What why?" I asked confused
"I'm going on tour" She said looking at me
"Oh" I said disappointed
"It's starting next month and it lasts 5 months" She said sadly
"Well we will just text a lot and everything will be ok" I said trying to stay positive
"I don't know if I can do that though, when I'm on tour I'm constantly working and I don't know how much I'll be able to talk to you" She said trying to avoid eye contact
"Oh then what are we going to do" I asked worried
"I don't know" She said looking down
"What's gonna happen between you and Jesse" I asked hoping she would say that they are going to break up
"He's coming with me on tour" She said seeming guilty
"Oh" I said disappointed
"I'm so sorry Kian"
"Don't be sorry there's nothing to be sorry about. This is your job at some point or another you are going to have to tour."
"I'm so glad you're so understanding" She said smiling
"So what's gonna happen to us" I asked scared of the answer
"I don't know"
"We should break up" I said bluntly. I don't want to but what's the point if she's going to be gone for so long and we can't exactly talk.
"Are you sure" She asked losing all happiness that she had just gotten
"Yeah" I said unsure "And when you come back maybe we'll get back together" I said fake smiling
"Ok" She said trying to fake a smile back "I have to get ready for the day and then go to rehearsals"

We said our goodbyes and I went home. I didn't want to break up but it's pointless to stay in this relationship. A lot can change over 5 months.

Brea's POV
Kian and I just broke up. It sucked but I can't let it distract me from work. I got ready for rehearsals and went to Staples Center. The first show is in LA. It's exactly one month away and I'm really excited.

I got to rehearsals and Mat was currently practicing. Then Olivia was going to go on and then me of course. Rehearsals were probably going to last until around 2pm but it was currently 11 am.

Rehearsals ended and I went back home. Olivia and Mat came with me and I decided to invite some other friends over and Jesse. I invited my friends, Ashley, Hayley, Michaela, Claudia, Jack , JJ, and Nick. We played music super loud and played Mario Kart. It was a ton of fun. We all got super tired and they decided to spend the night because they didn't feel like driving home. They all lived sorta far away. We all went to sleep around 3 in the morning.

I woke up first but it was still late. It was 12 pm. I made breakfast even though it was after 12 I still wanted to eat breakfast. Olivia came downstairs first and helped make breakfast. Everyone came downstairs at different times. By 2 everyone was awake. Only Olivia, Claudia, Michaela and I ate breakfast food and everyone else ate lunch food.

We decided to hang out for the rest of the day. First everyone wanted to change their clothes so everyone is gonna go home change and then come back. I don't know why they wanted to come back to my place. I didn't mind I just knew they were going to end up getting drunk and make a mess of my house. Mat wasn't going to be coming back and he's always the one I stay sober with because he doesn't drink or smoke so I knew I'd end up getting drunk.

Everyone was back now and it was getting dark. They had been back for a little while and we were on the roof watching the sunset. We were all talking and listening to music. We headed back to the 3rd floor of the house. In the entire house there 6 bars so we went to one of them and JJ pretended to be a bar tender and we were all joking around for while while taking shots. Before I knew it we were all drunk and a few of them were a little high.

It was now midnight and Claudia and Olivia ended up blacking out. The rest of us were either on our phones or talking about random stuff. We decided to watch a movie in the movie theater because none of us were tired, for some odd reason. We decided to watch The Purge because we wanted to watch something scary but not too scary because it was so late.

Jesse fell asleep with his head resting on me. Only me and Ashley were awake now and we decided to go for a late night drive. I tried my best not to wake Jesse up and it was easy because he was dead asleep.

Ashley decided to drive because she barely drank so by now she was sober and we took my Ferrari. We drove all around LA until about 4 in the morning. By the time we got home the sun was starting to come up because of how far we were. I fell asleep for about 30 minutes before Ashley decided to wake me up.

The second we got to my place we went to sleep immediately. The next day I had to work and I knew it wasn't going to be fun.

Remember; K.LOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant