Big mistake

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The day after Christmas you were woken up by your drunk dad bursting into the living room, louder then usual. He seemed excited for some reason. You got up and braced yourself for the day ahead of you, before going downstairs. Your dad was slouched over the couch, reeking of beer, covered in dirt, but with a smile and a twinkle in his beady eyes.
You stared at him, barely hiding your disgust of the man.
"What are you smiling about?" You asked him plainly.
"Well, great daughter of mine, I have hit the jackpot!" He said, while the smile on his face widened. You just stood there, not sure how to react. Most times when your dad had won anything he immediately lost it again trying to have another win. Carefully you watched him.
" actually won allot of money and decided to quit while you're ahead... Doesn't sound like you." part of keeping the blue flame inside alive was also the reason you got beat up from time to time. You just couldn't keep from letting him know what you thought of him. But to your surprise his smile stayed where it was. This got you curious, he never acted this way before. Maybe he got it, maybe it clicked in his stupid head. The house always wins. It takes all you've got and all you have to do to stop it, is go home.
"Where's your mom and Aiden?" He asked. "We have to celebrate!"
"They're still asleep I think... Dad...what did you win exactly?" You asked carefully, not getting your hopes up.
He sat up straight, reached in his inside pocket and pulled out a silver ball. It looked beautiful, but you had no idea what it was.
"What is it?" You asked while your eyes scanned every little detail.
"It's a diamond." He whispered. "In this silver ball there's the most beautiful diamond you've ever seen, it's purple and it glows. It must be worth millions." You looked in his eyes as he said it and saw the greed in them as you realized he would never change. He would forever be this wanting creature, unsatisfiable, always wanting more.
"You won this thing? At the casino?"
"Uhm well, yeah, sort of" He was equally bad at lying as he was at gambling. You pressed on. "Dad, where did you get this?"
He suddenly looked at you, anger in his eyes. "This is mine, doesn't matter where I got it! It's mine now!"
For a few seconds you were silent, but you had to know. "Dad... Did you steal this?" You looked at him, weirdly dissapointed. After all he's done, you really thought he was better then this? Shaking your head, you turned away from him.
"Where did you get this!?!" You yelled suddenly. "What did you do? Who did you stole it from? WHAT DID YOU DO TO THEM???" Your voice grew louder with every question.
He looked at you, getting more and more angry, thinking why his bitch of a daughter couldn't ever just be happy for him, he finally got a break and she's freaking the fuck out. He stood up out of the couch and walked over to you, grabbing your shoulders and shaking you. "You wouldn't even believe me if I told you!"
You pushed him away from you. Not saying anything, cause he probably was right. He walked to the kitchen and got himself a drink. You followed him, quietly. He took a beer out of the fridge and chugged it. After he was done he slammed it on the counter, looking at you, but you wouldn't look away. "Fine!" He yelled. "I'll tell ya, so you can tell me i've finally lost my marbles! But I haven't, cause I got proof! I've got my shiny diamond!" He chuckled and you had to admit he did look batshit crazy right about now. Still you were silent, listening.
"I went to the casino, had some bad luck and decided to go home. Didn't have money left for a cab, so I decided to walk. I went to the shortcut, the dirt road through the woods, you remember that?" You nodded but still didn't say a word. "So I was walking there, minding my own business, barely seeing anything cause it was so late and there's no lights. All of a sudden I see this purple glow between the trees. It got me curious so I went to check it out. There, in the middle of the woods at night, are two funny looking guys, digging a hole. On the ground next to them is the diamond, shining bright purple light, the ball was open, you see. It's a container. When the hole is deep enough they close the ball, and throw it in there. Can you believe that? They just put it in there, filled up the hole and walked away. When they were gone, I ran over and started digging with my bare hands. I found it but I can't seem to open it." He said, while he examined the ball once more.
You looked at him for a long time. "You're right, I don't believe a word you've said." You told him before turning around and marching into the living room.

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