Chapter 10 - My Arms Became a Conductor

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If you think being a dragon rider is cool, you’re wrong. Firstly, you need to acquire your own dragon, which is very hard. Next thing is you need to learn to ride the dragon. If not, you will probably end up falling. Another thing, if you somewhat have the fear of heights, I suggest that you stop dreaming to become a rider. You don’t want to see how high your dragon is flying.

We landed just in front of the hall in the camp. Unlike earlier, the trainees were already settled. Some were sitting beside a bonfire, some were patrolling outside, and some were already sleeping. We found Borin sitting on a large stone just outside the fort, thinking deeply.

“Borin.” I called.

“Tristan,” Borin answered. “What can I do for you?”

“Train us.” I said shortly.

“Wait, what?” Borin asked.

“We want you to train us.” Lea repeated. “We only have less than two days before the witch summon the dead.”

Borin was silent for a moment, like he’s been thinking about it. He stared at each one of us and then he said, “Where do you want to start?”

Finally, I felt relief inside me, like a big thorn has been just taken away from me. “Thank you, Borin!” I exclaimed.

“But I will not teach you what you want.” Borin followed. “I’ll teach you what you need.”

We headed at the back of the fort, where there is no one around. Borin chose to train us there maybe because he doesn’t want the other trainees to get jealous. You know, we’re receiving a special treatment by training in advance, while all of them were just waiting for the end of the world. Well, I don’t want to call it that, but if the witch succeeds in summoning the dead, it will be more than the end of the world. Windlemoore will be run by zombies. It’s a lot worse I suppose.

It’s several hours more until morning, and Borin started training us. He started by teaching us the ancient words of different spells, and it’s great. Now I can cast new spells other than the rope thingy. It took us several hours to somewhat memorize the spells, more hours practicing it, and even more for recovering our lost ­bedoar.

The sun was already rising, the rays slightly piercing though the leaves of the trees. We took a five-minute break, taking just a small piece of meat and a sip of water taken from the brook nearby. We took a small piece of Elonin, a small, round, emerald pills used to help recover bedoar quickly. But taking a lot and continuous use of it can result to severe internal bleeding, and eventually, death.

We continued our training, this time, with our dragons. We called our own dragons and they landed on our side, facing Borin.

“This is the last part of what I will teach you.” Borin said. “But remember, this is not all. You still have so much to learn, and because of our limited time, I only taught you what you need.”

Of course I felt a little bit disappointed because Borin will not teach us all, but I understand. We still got some more important business to settle than learning some fancy magic stuffs.

“Alright, riders, as we all know,” Borin continued, he looked at me and changed his words. “Well, except for Tristan, of course, can harness the element of their dragon and use it as a weapon, or a spell. Based on what I see now, Lea and Elethor have a fire dragon while Tristan amazingly got a lightning dragon.”

“So did you mean that we can use fire as a spell?” Lea asked.

“Exactly.” Borin answered. “And Tristan can cast a lightning spell since his dragon is a lightning dragon.”

Tristan McCrow and the Dragon Riders: The Intruder's SonWhere stories live. Discover now