Ch. 6 Curved

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I have no words for an over 2 month delay but I love y'all tho


"Mani...I'm sick of your friend ignoring me. What the hell is her deal? " Dinah seethes through the phone.

She had attempted to booty call Lauren on three different occasions and each time she was left on read. The audacity.

"What?  What happened,  I thought you guys were doing fine?" Normani's answers. She's honestly confused. Besides,  Lauren had ranted and raved about how perfect Dinah was at...uh...sucking things and then this?

"Well figure it out,  cause she's got talent and I can't let a good Dick go to waste!"

Normani's sighs before promising that she'll get to the bottom of this. She's really confused.

"Hey baby,  who was that?  Dinah?" Ally asks.

They've been basically been glued together since their date. Every few days they'd switch the location from one house to another. It was fresh, and perfect.

Normani's smiles at Ally,  pulling her close and kissing her gently. Ally was literally the sun in her sky and the moon at night. She was so whipped that it was sickening. Whatever Ally wanted or needed,  she would give it to her. Like...its only been a few weeks.

"Yes,  it was Dinah and she's pissed off at Lauren. She told me that she's being ignored," Mani says,  still holding Ally close.

"Ignored?  Why would she be ignored? I though Dinah was like Superhead or something? " Ally replies,  still resting her body against Normani's taller one.

"That's what I said! Something isn't right,  and I'm gonna figure it out,  today! I can't have Lauren fuck up my plan, " Mani says,  determined.

"Fuck up what plan? " Lauren says,  making her presence known.

"Jesus, Lauren!" Ally exclaims,  jumping in fright.

Normani,  though,  is not startled.

"What the hell is going on with you and Dinah? Why are you ignoring her?" Mani says,  frowning.

Lauren rolls her eyes, "Uh,  I'm not into becoming Eskimo Brothers with Odell Beckham. He's a hoe,  and male how's are the worst. She probably has a doormat STD or something. "

Mani is livid. Her bestfriend was a fucking idiot.

"She does not! She's very clean and quite vigilant about her hygiene,  how dare you insult her. Lauren why do you care about Odell,  he's just her fuckbuddy, " Mani explains.

"Um,  I don't care who he is to her,  except that I'm not okay with him being her fuckbuddy. Once again,  famous,  rich men are how's. On a level I can't even fathom and I'm not okay with taking that risk. Now butt out!" Lauren says,  showing her jealousy.

Ally catches on,  though.

"I think you're intimidated. Or jealous,  but you shouldn't be,  Dinah wants you,  she called earlier,  quite upset that you're giving her the California No, " Ally says,  exposing Lauren.

"I am not jealous! I don't even know her like that and as for being intimidated,  I don't give a fuck about a dude,  my Dick skills are mythical they're so legendary, " Lauren claps back, scoffing.

"Oh yeah?  Well,  if you're not intimidated then why are you talking about Dick skills? Why'd you immediately go there if you weren't feeling threatened? " Ally presses on.

"Look,  both of you need to go find some business and stay out of mine, " Lauren says,  ending tbe conversation by returning to her room.

She was not jealous.

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