Wolfsbane and Vervain

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When they're together, it's like putting a hurricane and a tornado in the same room – you can feel the tension.

I looked at him for a moment, contemplating the question.
'We uh.. there's this herb called wolfsbane.. it's basically like vervain to vampires. Kinda stops the whole healing process' I told him. 'Marcel gave me enough to kill an entire pack.. so I don't really know how I'm here right now..'
He seemed to shift uncomfortably, and then swiftly change the subject
'are you hungry?' He watched me.
I slowly nodded, then swung my legs out of bed and onto the dark hardwood floor, slowly forcing myself to stand up. And then it hit me - every single drop of wolfsbane in my system seemingly rushed to my head, my vision blurred and everything keeping me grounded slipped away.
I felt my legs give way, and then two strong arms catching me and cradling me into a chest.
'Elijah...' I slurred, right before passing out.

Apparently I was only out for about 15 minutes, because when I awoke Elijah was still sitting beside me, a damp towel pressed to my forehead. He was watching me, almost like he was trying to put together the pieces of a complicated puzzle.
'How are you feeling?' He stared more. It was almost unnerving.
'I'm fine.. really.'
'You collapsed..' he countered.
'It's just the wolfsbane.. I'll be okay in a few days..' and then it hit me - I couldn't just stay here in a strangers house. I needed to find my way back to the pack I was currently running with.
'You can stay here until you're healed.'
I watched him. Did he mean it? Was he actually a psychopath who was waiting until I was void of poison to eat me?
'I'll take good care of you Hayley.. I give you my word.'
'And the noble Elijah always keeps his word' a different voice spoke from across the room. I looked over at the man standing in the door, his dirty blond hair messy, and piercing green eyes meeting my gaze.
'You must be the little wolf..' he smirked slightly, our eyes keeping contact the whole time.
I'm not sure what it was about him; the smirk, the look in his eyes, or the way he carried himself, but something about him was dangerous, but I was intrigued.

'Hayley this is my brother, Niklaus..' Elijah was watching me, but then turned his attention to Niklaus, 'he will also protect you from Marcellus'.
Niklaus chuckled and slowly walked into the room 'don't be so formal, brother. Just call me Klaus, love.' I slowly nodded. Trying to take everything in. Lots of pain, new surroundings, new people, wolf senses going crazy.
'Here' Klaus spoke as he handed me an empty glass.
I frowned at him as I looked at it. 'This is an empty glass..'
He pulled up the sleeve of his sweater and bit into his wrist, watching as the blood ran out into the glass as I held it. I looked at Elijah, both confused and scared.
Elijah nodded at me 'it'll heal you' he promised.
I bit my lip as Klaus pulled his wrist away from the glass, breathing out a nervous sigh, I raised the glass to my lips and slowly drank the blood.
I coughed slightly and held my chest. The taste was disgusting, like gnawing on a piece of lead.
I straight away noticed the lack of pain I was in, and how 'okay' I felt.
'All better' Klaus gave a mischievous smirk to Elijah, then left the room with vampire speed.
I raised an eyebrow at Elijah, but he simply shrugged at me.
'After a thousand years I still don't understand my brother.' He chuckled.
'hey so... can I take you up on that offer of food now?' I smiled at him and he nodded, helping me up off of the bed.
'Wow.. I feel fine' I commented.
He simply smiled and helped me downstairs then into the kitchen. I sat down on a bar stool as he began cooking, and rested my elbows on the counter.

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