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'Guys... I'm so sorry..' I went to make a move toward them, but Derek held me back. Elijah looked at me sympathetically, but Klaus seemed distant and passive.
'Let's get down to business' Sophie said, breaking me out of my focus on Klaus. She'd already told them I was pregnant, and mentioned her plan to take down Marcel. Now all that was left was for them to make a deal.
'We want to run Marcel and his vampires out of town. Klaus is the key. Everything Marcel knows about being a vampire, he learned from Klaus. Marcel trusts him, looks up to him, and he won't see the betrayal coming.' Sophie started. I was bored, and wanted to leave.
'Yes, well, as I'm sure you're aware, my brother Niklaus doesn't like to be told what to do.' Elijah retorted, already seeing where the conversation was going.
'What is it that you want, Sophie.' Klaus pushed himself into the conversation, being tired of being talked about.
'The girl is pregnant Klaus, this is your one shot at being a daddy. You're going to help us take down Marcel, or we'll kill them both.' Sophie smirked at him, confident with her plan.

Apparently -I mean, we all knew that klaus wouldn't listen to her anyway- Klaus didn't like this. He sped at me inhumanly and slammed me against the wall.
'You've been with someone else! Haven't you! Answer me!' He shouted in my face.
It took all of my strength to push him off.
'Don't you think if  it was someone else's I wouldn't have spent two weeks locked in a tomb!?' I glared at him.
'Kill her and the baby, what do I care?' He spat at Sophie, and then stormed out.
My breath hitched in the back of my throat. I shook my head slightly.
'Elijah..' I begged for his help.
He looked at me sympathetically and then looked toward the door Klaus just left through.
'I'll solve this.' He promised, then vamped our after Klaus.

It was a few hours after they'd both returned, bruised and bloodied as they'd obviously fought out their indifferences. They agreed to Sophie's plan, and Sophie released me to them. I ran over to Elijah and met his embrace. I buried my face into his neck and cried out my emotions.
He snapped the chains off of my wrists and threw them in front of Sophie.
'If you hurt her, or break our deal in anyway, I'll kill you all myself.' He told her, and in a whoosh, the three of us were back at the plantation.
Somehow Elijah still sounded respectful when he was threatening everyone.

Once we got back to the house, Elijah helped me set up the spare bedroom for me to stay in.
'What?' I snapped at him, after I noticed he'd been trying to say something for the past half an hour. I'd never seen Elijah like this, like he was hesitant, or even scared. I frowned at myself, I was tired and upset, but it was no excuse to talk to him like that. 'Elijah I'm sorry..' he cut me off by shaking his head and slowly walking over to me.
He tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear and stared down at me.
'How do you feel about all this?' He watched me.
'About having a "miracle baby" with a one-night stand who -an hour ago- told a psychotic witch to kill me and the "miracle baby"?' I looked at him questioningly. Part of me trying not to laugh about the predicament I've gotten my self into.
'About being a mother, Hayley..'
'I was abandoned when I was born and my adoptive parents kicked me out the second that I turned into a wolf. So... I don't really know how I feel about being a mother because I... never really had a good one' I told him.
'I will always protect you, Hayley.'
He took my hand gently and looked me in the eye.

Our conversation was interrupted when Klaus entered the room. I stepped back from Elijah and cleared my throat.
'I see we're all getting nice and cozy then' he smirked at us.
We didn't even need to say anything, Klaus got a kick out of us being uncomfortable in his presence.
'Relax would you.. I need a moment with my brother.' He said bitterly and then walked straight out.
I gave Elijah a reassuring smile, and with that he followed Klaus out.

~Klaus' POV~
After seeing how close Elijah was getting with Hayley, part of me got jealous. The other part of me was telling myself to shut up.
I didn't want Elijah becoming the father to my child. What was I saying? I didn't even want the child. I just needed it as leverage for the time being.
After leading Elijah out of the room I lead him into my study, and walked over to the window to stare out at the apple tree in the middle of the garden.
'Something came to my attention today.. in my desire to reclaim this town, to steal from Marcel that which he holds most dear, I have realized one massive vulnerability. One weakness that Marcel could exploit.' I told him as I turned to face him slowly.
'What is that, brother.' He was tired of my antics, but this was something I had to do.
'You.' I swiftly took out a silver dagger and stabbed it into his chest, holding him as he collapsed into me.
I slowly laid him down in his coffin and shut the lid.
Now was the time to make the deal with Marcel.

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