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When I woke up in the morning everyone else was gone. Rebekah was presumably searching for Elijah, which Klaus had daggered and locked in a coffin, and Klaus was probably out sulking somewhere about his family issues. I, meanwhile, wasn't a Mikaelson, and wasn't going to involve myself in their problems.

After I made breakfast I spent the day cleaning up and lounging around the house. When 5:00 o'clock rolled around and still no-one was home, I started to get suspicious. Klaus had usually 'murdered out his rage' by now, so it was strange that he wasn't home. I tried calling his phone, but no answer. After numerous calls and no responses I decided it was best to leave him to his tantrum and head to bed.

A few days later, there was no sign of anyone, and it was starting to get weird. I checked my phone for the time and it started ringing. Klaus' number popped up on the screen. I hesitated then hit accept and put the phone to my ear. A cold shiver ran over my whole body and the sudden feeling of nausea hit me.
'Nik?' Was all I could muster. Every feeling I had was that something wasn't right. I frowned when there was no response. 'Klaus?' I reiterated, and then the phone line went dead. I locked my phone and threw it onto the couch, before I even had the chance to do anything else, I rushed to the bathroom and collapsed to my knees before throwing up in the toilet.

After I was feeling better I flushed the toilet and quickly brushed my teeth. I ran upstairs and got changed and slightly fixed my hair. I rushed downstairs, grabbed my phone off the couch and snatched up Klaus' keys. The first place my mind took me to was the French quarter. I instantly went to the cauldron to find a witch. Before anything, I grabbed a ceremonial looking dagger and put it in the back of my shorts.
A girl walked out from the back room and walked over towards me.
'Hi I'm Katie, Can I help you?' She smiled warmly at me.
'I need a locator spell done. I'll give you 200 bucks.' I told her.
'I can't do that.. I'm sorry' She shook her head slightly.
I huffed at her, 'I wish you would've just taken the money' my eyes turned gold and I grabbed her by the throat and slammed her into the wall, grabbing the dagger out of the back of my shorts and pressing the tip to her chest. 'Do the spell, please.' I clenched my jaw.
She nodded quickly so I let her go, and my eyes returned to normal. I handed her Klaus' keys to use for the spell.

Once the spell was done I knew right where to go... Marcel's.
I slowly walked into the compound but the sudden smell was overwhelming. Blood, and lots of it. I felt like I was going to be sick again, everything about this was wrong. There were dead bodies everywhere, most of them I recognised as Marcel's goons. I made my way down to the basement, where marcel would be keeping Klaus. Except that wasn't who I met when I came to the bottom of the stairs.
Klaus' desiccated body laid in the corner wrapped in chains, an unconscious Marcel next to him, beaten and bloody, and two strangers standing before me, A man with blood running down his chin and a grim smirk, and a woman standing inside a giant circle of ash with weird symbols around it.

I slowly backed away up the stairs, but before I knew it the man was grabbing me by the throat and slamming me into the wall. Suddenly I felt a huge pain in my temple, and I fell to the ground unconscious.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2018 ⏰

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