Eyes Like a Car Crash

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Klaus and I had spent hours in the library looking through the books, not saying a word about what we'd just done together.
I'd found some interesting things about the crescent wolves, which were the pack Klaus recognised my birthmark belonged to. I glanced at him occasionally, each time trying to say something.  I looked back down at my book for about the 50th time when I heard his book shut.
'Alright love, spit it out. What is it?' He was staring at me.
I bit my lip in thought. Hesitating to say anything to him. 'I... What happened between us last night..'
'I won't say anything. Wouldn't dream of it.'
I nodded slightly, happy with his reply, then went back to reading.

We spent weeks reading and researching. I was thankful that Klaus had helped me like this. It was a Tuesday and we'd only been in the library for an hour now, and I was bored, tired and hungry.
'Do you want anything to eat?' I looked at Klaus while getting up. He shook his head, fixiated on whatever he was reading.
I shrugged slightly and wandered downstairs, going straight to the kitchen and starting to cook myself something edible.
I looked toward the exit of the kitchen as there was a knock at the front door.
'Klaus can you get that!?' I shouted toward the ceiling. I huffed when I had no response and turned the stove off, then walked out to the landing and opened the door. No one was there, but I looked down to find a piece of folded up paper on the doormat. Frowning, I knelt down to pick it up, slowly unfolding it to reveal a map. I looked at the spot marked on the map, then looked toward the stairwell. I bit my lip and snatched Klaus' keys off the side, rushing out side and getting in the car, then speeding off.

I followed the map to a forest, it was quiet on the backstreets except for a rare car here and there. I'd been driving for a couple hours and was starting to get tired. As I was getting closer to the spot marked on the map noticed something strange in the road. I turned my high beams on and muttered to myself. Suddenly something raced in front of my car, and my werewolf reflexes kicked in and I slammed on the brakes. Everything was a blur for a few minutes, but when everything started to clear up I realised the roof of the car was only centimetres from my face. I laid my chair back to alleviate the pain I was in, and then eventually passed out.

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