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~ Hayley's POV~
After we'd gotten back to the plantation and I'd set up my new bedroom, Elijah and Klaus had gone out to talk and neither of them had come back.
I went downstairs after about an hour of just sitting in my room staring at the walls and looked around for anyone.
As I walked into the kitchen I was met with a glorious sight. Klaus standing behind a chair at the dining table, two full meals in front of him. I immediately raised a brow at him.
'What's all this?' I questioned.
'It's dinner. Sit.'
I slowly walked over and he pulled the chair out for me to sit down on. I sat down slowly and tucked my chair in as he sat in his own seat across from me.
'We're not gonna start being friends are we?' I joked. I don't know what it was about Klaus, but no part of him -at least that I've seen- scared me. Everyone was always going on about the big bad hybrid, but he'd been nothing but kind to me since we met.
He chuckled in response, and began eating his food.
I could tell something was occupying his mind though, he didn't seem to be present at the table.

I ate my food, it was good for a hybrid who'd had no need to cook in over a thousand years.
'Hayley..' he began a sentence then trailed off.
I raised an eyebrow at him, urging him to continue.
'I had time to think about everything.. and I just want you to know that I'll be here for you... with everything..'
I bit my lip, parts of me confused but parts of me also happy that Klaus was no longer in the "kill her and the baby" mindset.
I nodded at him slightly, no words could come out of my mouth at the moment.
'Well both be there for our baby, forever.' He watched me. I couldn't help but smile at him.
'You know.. my parents abandoned me and.. my adoptive parents kicked me out the second I turned into a wolf.. so I want nothing more than for this baby to have both of its parents... no matter what.'
He nodded in agreement.
'what ever it takes..' he smiled, and then we both continued to eat our dinner in silence.

After dinner we both returned to our respective rooms and didn't really talk for the rest of the night. I'd spend probably an hour staring out the window when a car pulled up slowly. I frowned slightly and stood up, checking my phone for the time. A blonde got out of the car and slammed the door, moving to the door at vampire speed, and from what I heard, kicking it open. I covered my mouth to keep myself quiet and opened the door to my room slowly, slipping out of my room and opening the door to klaus' room. I was slammed against the door swiftly, klaus staring at my face.
'It's just me!' I whisper-yelled at him and he hesitated before letting me go.
'Niklaus, get down here and tell me what you've done with our brother, you narcissistic backstabbing wanker!' Was yelled up the stairs, and klaus' face quickly turned to annoyance. 
'Rebekah.' He huffed before speeding out of the room. I threw my arms up in the air in annoyance and followed him down stairs.

Klaus and Rebekah were exchanging words when I walked down the stairs -by exchanging words I mean arguing, and the occasional object throwing- and neither of them even realised I was stood on the stairs. I cleared my throat slightly and Rebekah turned her attention to me, whilst klaus just rolled his eyes.
'You must be the wolf girl my brother knocked up.' She stared at me.
'Hayley.' I frowned at her. She shrugged and turned her attention back to klaus.
'So, where's Elijah.' She glared at him.
'Elijah's out of touch right now, sister' he glowered at his sister.
'What have you done to him?' She punched Klaus in the chest.
'I gave him to Marcellus.' He grabbed her wrist and pushed her away from him.
Rebekah's gaze quickly turned from a look of anger to a look of pain.
'Marcellus... Marcel is alive..?' She spoke slowly, and almost as if she realised her own words, she became angry again. 'He's been alive all this time and he never even called!?' She shouted at Klaus. He simply shrugged, as if someone he thought of as a son didn't mean anything to him. She growled it frustration and stormed out of the house, slamming the door behind her.

I watched Klaus for a moment, gauging his reaction.
'You gave your brother to Marcel.. Marcel who beat the shit out of me months ago?' I was angry too.
'Go to bed Hayley' Klaus spat in pure rage before vamping up the stairs.
And so I did. I wasn't letting this go, though.

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