Decisions of the familiar kind

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~ Hayley's POV ~
It had now been two weeks since the witches had kidnapped me, and apparently four weeks since I'd 'gotten pregnant'. I didn't believe a word they said, but they're apparently taking me to a 'doctors appointment' this morning.

I don't see how they think a doctors appointment will go well. But I see it as an escape, so I'm willing to go.

To be honest, a part of me hoped that Klaus and Elijah would come to my rescue, but after a week of waiting, I realised it wasn't going to happen. They probably thought that I'd used them to learn more about my family, and then run off as soon as I saw the opportunity. They knew nothing about the car accident, or the witches kidnapping me. The thought had crossed my mind that maybe Klaus' car had been found, and they were searching for me, either that or the witches had managed to get rid of the car and Klaus and Elijah assumed I was thousands of miles away.

It was around 9:00am when Sophie came in and offered me breakfast. Most of the time I refused to eat, but today I was exceptionally hungry. I slowly took the tray from her, the chains holding me to the bed making it harder. I leant closer to the tray and began eating.

'Are you ever going to let me go? or can you at least take these off?' I tugged at the chains slightly.
'Believe it or not Hayley, we're here to help you..' She spoke, as if id believe what she had to say. I clenched my jaw, my anger slightly growing.
'By threatening the life of me and my 'unborn child'' I paused and straightened in my seat, 'answer me this, Sophie. What makes you think some unborn child will change anything?' My voice grew more venomous as my anger grew. 'What makes you think I wont kill the damned thing myself' I spat at her.
'Because, Hayley, you're so desperate for any form of family and that baby is the only one who can give you that.' She spat back, snatching up the knife from my plate and swiftly stabbing it into my chest just below the collar bone, then snatching it straight back out.

I cried out in pain and threw the tray on the floor, pushing myself back into the wall and holding onto the wound. I pulled my hand away to look at the blood and clenched my jaw, then putting my hand back on the wound to hold pressure on it.
'What the hell sophie!?' I glared her, but instead of replying she just walked out.
I looked at the mirror straight across from me and slowly pulled my hand away and looked at the wound.
Right where the wound had just healed, an inverted pentagram burned into my skin.
I bit my lip, afraid and confused, then laid back down slowly and curled up.

I woke up about an hour later one Derek came back in. He sat me up slowly, I was too drowsy to even keep my eyes open. He removed the chains from the bed and picked me up, then carried me out of the room. I was taken out to Sophie's car, squished between two of the male witches in the back seat and driven out toward the bayou. I sneakily tried to pull at the chains as Derek looked out the window away from me, but they were hexed to stay put.

It was about 10 minutes later and I was laying on a hospital bed, staring at the screen. I had my hands tucked up under my chin to keep them out of the way. The doctor didn't mention anything about me being escorted in by 4 witches, or the fact that I had literal chains on my wrists. But there I was, watching my unborn baby on the screen. I covered my mouth in shock, tears forming in my eyes. I looked away from the screen, knowing that I could never have a baby, let alone be a good mother.
'Do you want photos..?' The doctors voice broke me out of my thoughts. I nodded slightly but didn't look at her.

A few hours later we were back at the cemetery, me chained back to the bed, holding the photos of my unborn baby. I looked up at Sophie as she walked in. I didn't want to admit it, but she was right when she said that I was desperate for any form of family. It was true, I'd grown up all alone with no family to care for me. My birth parents gave me up, then my adoptive parents kicked me out. All I've wanted my whole life was a family, and this baby was my chance.

The ride back from the bayou had given me a chance to think about everything. I either get rid of the baby myself, or let Sophie kill it when Klaus doesn't do what she wanted. Klaus was stubborn, and he was never going to take orders from a witch. He also didn't care about me or the baby, so there wasn't really much hope that he'd do anything for us.
'Come with me..' she began undoing the chains from the bed, but still left the others tightly around my wrists. I suspected my wrists underneath would be bruised as all hell by the time I'd gotten out of the chains.

I hid the ultrasound pictures of the baby in my pocket and followed her out, not bothering to put up a fight. As soon as we entered the other tomb, my eyes met Elijah's, with a pissed off looking klaus standing right behind him.

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