25 - Decisions, Decisions

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"How can you prove that you are who you say you are?" someone says after a while, and I roll my eyes at them, lifting up Tae and I's joined hands, and then indicating our tails with a dismissive gesture.

"How can you prove that the situation is as you say it is?" Taehyung retaliates suddenly, his eyes glowing purple, and my heart swells with pride at how fiery he seems. His tail flicks once, and he's suddenly a little closer to the executioner, a sort of anger in his eyes. "How can you prove that you have the right to decide who lives and who dies? Are there legal documents that tell you that this kingdom belongs to the mer?"

"We don't need legal documents. We are the most intelligent species, so we take charge," the baffled executioner puts in, his eyes starting to properly glow red in response now, as he starts to get angry. Taehyung's eyes widen, and he backs up a little, his submissive nature beginning to shine through.

"Baby, don't," I say quietly, allowing my own nature to kick in, "you have the upper hand here. He can't do anything to you. I'm right here. Go on, you can do this." He glances over at me, giving me a grateful smile.

"And anyway, you have no power over the ocean. It doesn't bend to your will. So don't try to do so," Taehyung continues to say to the executioner. "I can't even address you by name, because I don't know it. And I wouldn't care anyway. You're just another person that's trying to ruin what was created eons before you were even conceived."

The executioner scowls. "And who are you, and what gives you the nerve to talk to a superior like that!?" he demands furiously, raising his hand as if to slap Taehyung across the face.

Before he can even get close to completing the action, however, I'm there, hand gripping harshly onto his wrist, rage beginning to grow within my breast, causing me to slip further into a dominant headspace than ever before. "Don't you dare," I snarl, my voice barely human anymore. "If you lay one hand on him, you will be ripped to pieces. Understand?"

"You'd be arrested if you did that," the executioner sneers in return, a smug look appearing on his face as he begins to think he's beaten us. "Now, scram, or we'll all attack you."

I roll my eyes, laughing a little. The sound is unpleasant, uncomfortable, to anyone who hears it, at least from what I see, because everyone recoils in horror at the noise. "I don't think so," I return, the gold shade of my eyes deepening further, something I can tell from Taehyung's responding purple eyes becoming a darker purple. "You don't have anything to defeat me with. My group is much stronger than it seems, even if there are less of us. And I wouldn't underestimate us."

"What are your names, anyway?" someone calls from the side, and I frown in confusion. Namjoon answers for me.


"I don't know, it just feels odd, watching you as complete strangers take on Brad here, it's weird. Like, you come here, don't introduce yourselves, and then interrupt an execution because you claim that it's weird. I just wish there was a bit of an explanation, that's all. It doesn't make any sense to us," the merman says simply, and I realise that he's got a dark green tail.

"Well," Jin says, swimming forward suddenly, without any other warning, "we're the ones that see the problems with the world and fix them. That's our purpose in life, basically."

"And I guess you could call us BTS," Namjoon says, an amused expression appearing on his face suddenly. "Stands for Beyond The Scene, because we aren't here for the flashy events and the moments when everyone is watching. We're working for a future and for something nobody else thinks of, beyond the ordinary."

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