Chapter Two

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Previously: (y/n's prov:)
Lacy: Stay away from him you got me. I wanna talk to you when we get back to your hotel.
Y/n: what? Why are you coming there?
Lacy: grant wanted us to have a girls day. We leave in thirty minutes. So get ready. I'm running to the bathroom real quick.
She says it in a rude tone and walks off I sigh. There's no way I'm getting out of this one Carlos isn't filming at the moment and notices. Carlos: everything ok?
Y/n: no.
I have a sad face.
Carlos: wanna tal—-
Lacy: come on y/n let's go.
Y/n: sorry car
Carlos: no it's fine.
Me and lacy then leave. Oh yay my good day just became a horrible day..............
To be continued........
(Y/n)'s prov:
       Once we got back to my hotel room and we walk in she looks around.
Lacy: see this is why we are doing this here.  I don't want your dirty ugly big butt around my house!
Wow that hurt a little bit.
(Y/n): umm ok.
Lacy: aww is the little (y/n) hurt?
(Y/n): yes, you basically called me fat dirty and ugly of course I'm going to be mad.
(Y/n): look I know you feel that I'm going too take Grant away, but I promise I won't.
Lacy: yeah right I see how you are around him.
Lacy: yeah, but YOU shouldn't be I should be I mean I am HIS GIRLFRIEND!!!
(Y/n): he can still have friends.
Lacy: yeah, but I see the way he looks at YOU and you AT HIM!! THAT is not f***ing FRIENDSHIP!!! I HATE YOU!!!
(Y/n): well I'm glad to see it's MUTUAL!!!
Then I feel a sting across my cheek and I hold my hand to it. I start to cry a little because of the pain. She had slapped me. I look up at her.
Lacy: awww are you crying now?
She then gets closer to my ear.
Lacy: look stay away from Grant or else.
(Y/n): or else what?
I glare at her and keep my mouth in a straight line, my hand still on my cheek, but no tears coming anymore just anger.
Lacy: I'll tell him.
(Y/n): tell him what?
Lacy: I'll tell him what you and Carlos did.
(Y/n): you can't prove anything.
Lacy: wanna bet!
She then takes out her phone and calls someone.
Lacy: yeah come on up......... yeah bring the photos.......... no I don't care just get up here....... ok bye.
She hangs up and looks at me.
Lacy: you and Carlos have a secret that I know and you haven't told anyone.
She says with a devilish look on her face.
Lacy: I have pictures and I can show them to Grant anytime I want to. So you better stay out of MY way.
(Y/n): yeah ok like I believe that.
Lacy: oh yeah.
(Y/n): ye—
I get cut off by a knock on the door and I gulp hoping she's lying. She goes and opens the door and there stands a guy. They hug and he calls her baby. Uggh and I'm the one with a secret.
Lacy: (y/n) meet Jake he's a undercover spy that I hired and he found some interesting things on you.
(Y/n): like what exactly?
Lacy: like you and Carlos are brother and sister.
(Y/n): yeah so everyone know that one.
Lacy: Also that you've been to jail.
Oh no she found out that can be used against me even though it wasn't for something very bad, it was only for like a year while Grant was gone so he has no idea, but she still can twist it in to something else.
Lacy: and that you secretly were pregnant.
(Y/n): only Carlos knew about that.
Lacy: unfortunately you lost that baby after a very unfortunate situation.
She smirks at me then looks at Jake and Jake just laughs. I start to cry.
Lacy: you see I had set you up.
I then put it all together.
(Y/n): so YOU had him RA** Me so Hard I Lost My baby! You put me in ICU for a month and a half!
Lacy: you got it!
(Y/n): I'll tell Grant!
Lacy: who do you think he'll believe more? You who doesn't have photos or me the one with them.
I swallow the lump I had in my throat hard as she looks at me.
Lacy: yeah we found out and you know the worst part is that the baby was Grants! HE never had any idea about it, did he? Why were you even drinking that night huh?
(Y/n): I didn't even know till the next night when I was at the ER that I was even pregnant and that I had a FREAKIN Miscarriage!
Lacy: ahh, but you still never told him so now I can use it against you. If you don't leave I will tell him then I will kill you.
That made me shiver the start crying more.
(Y/n): o......o....o...ok I'll leave on one c....c...condition.
Lacy: and what's that?
(Y/n): still let me see my brother.
Lacy: of course! I don't like your brother just as equally so...... as long as you stay away from Grant I'm good.
I roll my eyes at her. Then went and started packing while calling Carlos and telling him all about it as she left.
A few hours later and I'm almost done picking as Grant walks in. He looks at me confused then sees I'm crying. He comes over and hugs me from behind, I cry more at his touch oh how I'll miss him.
Grant: (y/n/n) what's wrong baby girl?
(Y/n): nothing I'm fine just going to visit home. I'm feeling a little home sick.
Grant: I can tell your lying.
(Y/n): no I'm not. Really I'm just home sick.
Grant: ok.
He looks a little skeptical, but let's me go.
Grant: so how long you gonna be gone for?
(Y/n): oh not long.
I hate lying about it, but I have no choice.
Grant: oh ok. Umm I gotta get home lacy wants me. She said she has a surprise for me.
(Y/n): oh ok bye then.
Grant: bye love you!
(Y/n): I love you to.
I say brokenly luckily he doesn't notice anything and just leaves. As soon as he's gone I start crying. I then leave to go to Canada where I k ow my second best friend(Robbie Amell) is he will absolutely help me I think.

To be continued..........

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