Chapter Four

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Previously- (Grant's prov:)
Janet: thank you and here is what your friend left you.
Grant: thank you.
It's a box with my name on the top. I take it from her and walk back to my car. I open the box and find the most heart breaking thing her handwriting and pictures of us. I pull out the letter and read it.
Dear Grant:
Hello. I'm sorry I'm doing this, but I have to I moved. I was told by someone to leave you and I must do that. I'm sorry I'll send another letter explaining a little more about something I should have told you a long time ago I just couldn't tell you in person. I love you so much you will always be in my heart with brook, but that's a different story. I love you goodbye.


I instantly break down crying. I can't believe this she's gone. I have to find her. Carlos he'll know where she went.

Y/n's prov:
I wake up in my bed to two someone's jumping on me. I look up at who the two people are and instantly smile, but I also try to push them off of me which is incredibly hard considering I'm a girl and there two guys.
******: get up! Your brother is visiting and your sleeping the whole time!!!
Carlos: yeah sis I really want to hang so wake the hell up!!!
Y/n: noooooooooo
I wine still trying to get them off of me.
That only makes to worse. They look at each other for a minute then nod.
R&C: DOG PILE!!!!!!!
Y/n: plz noooooooo-     To late.
I struggle to breathe. They laugh.
Y/n: c......c.....c.....can't b........b....breathe!
R&C: oh please we aren't that fat!
Y/n: Speak for yourself.
I giggle.
Robbie: ok I guess I have to take drastic measures!
Y/n: noooo plz don't!!!
Robbie: to freakin late!
He then pulls my blanket right off of me throws some water from a bottle on me then opens my certain.
Y/n: gaaaaaaah it hurts!! Your evil.
He just laughs then gets a evil look on his face.
Robbie: I know. Now do I have to continue or are you going to get your a** up?
Y/n: I'm up I'm up.
I put my hands up in surrender. I push Carlos's little bit and he knocks into my bookshelf knocking down my box and everything falling out causing me to start crying as I see all the things. I pick up the book and see his face.
Carlos: omg! Sis I'm so sorry.
Y/n: d....d....don't it's ..not .. your f......f....ffffalt it's m.....m....mine.
Robbie immediately pulls me it to a hug trying to comfort me like he always dose, but nothing ever helps me I usually cry myself to sleep over it when I see these things that why they have been up there for six years scents I left the one person I love behind because of something so stupid and never ever sent that second note.
Carlos: I guess this is the time to tell you then?
He says scratching the back of his neck. Robbie gives him a death glare. Sometimes I question who is actually my brother making me laugh.
Robbie: dude so not the time. It will make her go into depression!!!
Carlos: better to get it over with tho.
Y/n: it's ....fine r.....r....Robbie. Let him say it I can handle it.
I sniffle in to Robbie's shirt.
Carlos: he's here. Looking for you as he dose a comic con. He said he wasn't leaving till he found you.
I stare off into the distance trying to take everything in.
Robbie: are you ok (y/n/f/r)??
Y/n: I......I.... I don't know. Should I try to meet up with him?
R&C: only if you want. We can even go with if you'd like.
Y/n: yes please.
It's time for me to face this.
Grants prov:
It's been six years without her. I'm scared that I'll never see her again. I wish I could she's the only one that can calm me right now. Why you may ask right now I'm at comic con and walked in on lacy having sex with some guy. Then after our little fight about it lacy admitted something horrible and I broke off our relationship ran down the hall and here I am having a panic attack. In walks Carlos talking to me with out even actually seeing me.
Carlos: dude come with me I have a surprise.
Once he actually looks at me he looks horrified then runs out of the room. Twenty seconds later he runs in with y/n! Oh my gosh it's her or am I just going in to delusions now? Then she starts talking to me and hugging me.
Y/n: oh my gosh!! Grant!! Listen to me I'm here I'm here calm down before you go into shock!! Please I can't lose you to!!
I start to slowly calm myself as she rocks my back and forth eventually my head is in her lap as I lay on the floor with my eyes closing. I then whisper.
Grant: baby girl is it really you?
I rub her cheek as she looks down at me smiling.
Y/n: yes. Yes baby boy it's me. I promise I'm never leaving again. Go to sleep it's ok.
I smile as I slowly let my eyes close.
Y/n's prov(from before you get to comic con)
We leave the house on our way to comic con. We get in the car and drive for a while finally getting there. Carlos turns around in the cars front seat to look at me before he goes in.
Carlos: let me go see were he is then I'll come get you ok?
Y/n: ok.......
I  say hesitantly. I don't wanna face lacy, but I miss Grant so much so I have to. Plus he needs to know about Brooke..........

To be continued.....................

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