Chapter Six

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Previously- (y/n's prov):
Jake: thank you I know what I did was really bad and I plan on telling the court.
Y/n: your welcome. Just promise me one thing you'll be carful out there, there's more hers in this world.
Jake: well do.
I finish packing Grants belongings in his back pack and just as I'm walking out the door I hear her.
Lacy: y....your such a b**** I hate you!
She try's to hit me, but I move just right where she run into a wall I laugh make sure she's ok then go get Robert.
To be continued...................

Now——-* y/n's prov:
I finally find Robert after looking for a while. I go up to him and tap his shoulder again making him turn around. He smiles at me and pulls me into one last hug.
Robert: ahhh! You got his stuff! Coming to say goodbye for the night.
Y/n: yes, also to tell you to have lacy thrown out and never be near Grant again.
Robert: why?
Y/n: she's the very reason for his panic attack. She cheated on him and is the very reason why I left.
He nodded a understanding kind of nod then motions over the guard that knows me the best. Once the guard and a fellow guard comes over he sees me.
Theo: ahhh y/n! Long time no see!
He hugs me and I hug him back.
Y/n: awww Theo! It's so good to see you!
Robert: ok Theo y/n will fill you in on what you need to do I'm on my way out.
Theo: yes sir!
Robert walks out and I look back at Theo( he was the main person with me when ever I needed a protective hand)
Y/n: Theo you need to go take lacy out of the building and put her on the list of people not to go near Grant please.
Theo: why?
Y/n: she's the very reason for his panic attack that he just had. (Theo treats Grant like a brother so he cares about him almost as much as me)
Theo: he had a panic attack?
Y/n: yes, but he got lucky that I was there just in time to help.
Theo: what'd she do?
Y/n: She cheated on him and is the very reason why I left.
Theo then gets a little red in the face, he's angry oh my.
Theo: she made you leave! Why! I missed my little sis because of her!
Theo and I have always called each other bro and sis. He also knows about Brooke, he was there that night and next morning as protective detail.
Y/n: calm down Theo. She know about Brooke. It was all her fault to.
Theo: no worry I'll throw her out and she'll be on the list.
Y/n: ok thanks Theo! Love you big bro.
Theo: love you to. Now get to your man sis! Go!
I giggle. He's always been for me and Grant getting together. I then head out and Robbie is out waiting in the car. I go over to the passenger side and get in.
Y/n: how is he?
Robbie: he's still out but he is at home and in his bed.
Y/n: thank you Robbie!
I lean over the console and kiss his cheek.
Robbie: any time kiddo.
Y/n: I'm not a kid.
Robbie: ok what ever you say kiddo. Do you wanna go to his house?
I giggle at him then look at him as he starts the car up.
Y/n: yes please.
He drives me to Grant's house and I get out. Before I close the door I grab his bag and my pull over sweater.
Y/n: thank you Robbie.
Robbie: any time. Be good kid.
I giggle and close the door. I head to the door, take out the key and unlock it. Robbie watches till I close the door. Once in I take off my shoes and but my pull over on the rack behind the door. I hang his back pack up as well, after doing that I walk up his stairs. I walk into the bathroom wash my face, then I walk across the hallway and see my old room that Grant had made me was still my room. I cry a little seeing that he never changed it. I change into my pajamas, which is just a t-shirt. I then walk to Grants room go in and see him laying there on his bed. I sigh as I walked his closet and grab some of his night clothes. I walk back into his room and pull his covers back. I change him into his pajamas and then walk to his bathroom. I grab a wash rag from the cupboard and wet it. I go in his room again and lightly dab the sweat off his face. I then go back to the bathroom and put the rag in the sink. I go into his room again, I kiss his forehead. I cover him back up then walk out of the room. I go to my room and lay down. I grab my book that was in my own bag and take out the ultrasound picture. I cry for a bit then kiss it and hug it. I then read for a bit out of the book, after reading I put the ultrasound picture back. I then lay down and go to sleep.
The next morning.
I wake up and stretch. I get up and go into Grants room to check on him. He's still sleeping so I walk back to my room, I grab my book then walk to the kitchen and decide to make breakfast for when he wakes up. I put my book down, grab my phone and turn on music, but I have it on a very low volume. I start singing with it as I cook and dance around. When all of a sudden I feel arms wrap around my waist. I then hear him crying so I turn off the stove and turn around hugging him as he cries into my shirt.

To be continued............................*

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