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If any word could sum up all the emotions (y/n) was feeling now, it would be fear. (H/c) strands of hair flew wildly as the girl ran through the dark, empty, unwelcoming streets. (E/c) eyes darted in every direction, desperately searching for a way out.

Her legs were throbbing in pain but she pressed on; there was no time for rest. Honestly her whole body was in an immense amount of pain, the adrenaline being the only thing making the pain not as bad.

The girl knew that if she didn't stop soon there was the possibility of collapsing in exhaustion. Unfortunately, she was also well aware that if she stopped now she would surely be killed. With chest pounding, lungs aching for air, and eyes full of fear and desperation, she continued running.

Not far behind was a man with tan skin, captivating magenta eyes, and dark auburn hair with an odd curl straying off to the left side of his head. He wore a brownish-tan Italian military uniform and a matching hat decorated with purple feathers. The aura he was giving off meant nothing but danger.

Danger for (y/n)...

No, (y/n) wouldn't have that. She had to get away. Far, far away. Somehow...

'Maybe if I cut some corners, I'll be able to lose him...?' She thought. And just like that, (y/n) made a quick turn into the first alley that came into her sight.

Finally, she stopped running after turning into several alleys. But the girl's adrenaline-powered body wasn't quite prepared for the sudden halt and her legs gave in, causing her to collapse to the hard cement.

She took heavy breaths, making her lungs ache more and she winced; the pain was unbearable! She was too exhausted to pick herself up, barely able to move. Even if she managed to stand, she would only fall again and make the pain worse.

"Did I....lose...him?" She just barely was able to gasp between breaths. She looked around with half-closed eyes, scanning for any sign of her pursuer. Seeing nothing, she managed to slip out a small sigh of relief. But it wasn't safe for her yet.

"I'm afraid not, ragazza. But I'll give you some credit, you almost did. I didn't expect for you to attempt to ditch me like that. Bel tentativo." The thick Italian accent and the sound of boots stepping on concrete echoed off the walls of the alley, making (y/n)'s breath hitch, her heart begin to race in fear again, and her eyes widen.

'No, no, no!!' She mentally screamed as she struggled to lift herself up off the ground. Her body had still not recovered yet, though. Falling back down, she no longer tried to move; her body felt like lead. But she had to get away from this man. If she didn't, then she would die!

Once again she tried, but to no avail. Almost as soon as she was able to get some kind of leverage, she was forced back down. She whimpered in pain and looked behind her to find that the man was keeping her down, his boot digging into (y/n)'s back.

"D-damnit...!" (Y/n) squeaked. This made the man chuckle in amusement; he enjoyed watching his victims suffer before he ended them. But this time was different. No, he wouldn't kill her.


He leaned down until he was close to her ear before whispering with a sly grin, "Run all you want, bella. But there's no escaping Luciano Vargas." The threatening tone hidden in his voice sent shivers down her spine.

It was then that Luciano had noticed (y/n)'s body begin to tremble beneath him. Taking his foot off her back, this seemed to only confuse her. 'Is he letting me go..?' She thought hopefully.

But that last glimmer of hope quickly shattered as she felt herself being lifted off the ground by the Italian, who took a moment to move her around a bit until he was carrying her bridal-style in his arms. She began to panic once again and squirmed violently as best she could with her already limited energy and physically exhausted body.

She looked at Luciano and yelled, "Put me down! Let me go! Leave me alone, you ass! Damn you!" Luciano only rolled his eyes in slight annoyance. Looking down at her, he brushed back a few strands of (h/c) hair from her face and told her, "There's no need to struggle. Non abbiate paura di me, mia cara."

~Don't Be Afraid~ (2p!Italy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now