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"Non abbiate paura di me, mia cara."

That was the last thing he said to her before taking out a rag and, with a devilish grin, pressing it over the girl's mouth and nose. (Y/n) began to struggle violently in his grasp and trying to remove the funny smelling rag. But her struggle was futile; this man, Luciano, was much stronger than her, especially in the fatigued state she was in. Eventually, she stopped and went limp in the Italian man's arms.

With magenta eyes still focused on (y/n)'s now closed (e/c) ones, in an almost scolding manner Luciano said, "I went through a lot of trouble to catch you, mia bella. You should have listened to me when I told you running was useless." Admittedly, he didn't mind the chase; he found it enjoyable. In fact, he would have let her run longer if it weren't for the sun that was beginning to rise.

First making sure there was no evidence of them being there, Luciano escaped into the shadows, taking (Y/n) with him.


It had been nearly half an hour since he returned to the hideout. Lutz, surprisingly, was quick to question him when he came in carrying the girl. It was rare that the Italian man ever spared his victims, let alone bring them back to the hideout. As for Kuro, he didn't speak anything of it. Annoyed of their presence, Luciano barked at them to return to their work, before carrying his new victim to another room where she would be kept until she woke up. Or even longer if need be.

Of course, he wasn't expecting her to wake up soon so he set her down on the sofa in the sitting room, on the first floor of the hideout. The hideout wasn't really much, just an abandoned house in an almost remote location. It had two floors; the first floor was where most of the business was taken care of, while the second floor was simply the bedrooms. Honestly he's shocked that no one's noticed someone staying in this residence, yet.

But that didn't matter, at the moment. At the moment, Luciano needed to figure out what to do with the girl he's captured.

He began to think, 'Should I just kill her? No, no, later, perhaps. But not yet.' He was driven away from his thoughts as his magenta eyes wandered to (Y/n)'s figure still unconscious on the sofa. She was small and didn't seem like she'd be able to run for so long, so how did she? He had to admit, she had a sort of determinacy to her, making her too stubborn to give up so easily; this was something he admired, truthfully. Her (h/c) hair was still damp from sweat, and there was ugly bruise on her forehead, along with a small bump, from when she fell onto the concrete. A closer examination revelealed more bruises and cuts on her knees and the palms of her hands. She looked peaceful as she slept, opposite from the look of fear she had when she tried to escape.

She was rather attractive.

Luciano growled angrily and mentally slapped himself. This wasn't the time to be thinking such things, idiot! There were more important things to do. And so he left the room, ordering Kuro to keep an eye on her and to come get him once she wakes up. He would have asked Lutz to, but...ya know. Lutz. It would be better to give Kuro the job than to trust Lutz alone with the girl.

~Another Timeskip~

An hour later, (Y/n)'s eyes slowly opened, reflexively flinching at room's light as it blurred her vision for a moment. She sat up, but a bit too quickly, making her dizzy and get an unbearable headache that already made the bump on her forehead throb in pain. Questions swarmed her mind: what happened? Where was she? And why was the Italian after her?

After all, they had never met before. She was simply out doing some shopping and got lost when taking a supposed shortcut home. But then that man, Luciano, chased her. And now she was here! But why?

She reluctantly got up off the comfortable sofa and started towards the nearest window so she could escape. Successfully, she unhooked the latch of the grimy window and began climbing out. Unfortunately, she was brought to a sudden halt as the back of her shirt collar was grabbed, and the blade of a katana touched her throat, daring her to move another inch. She trembled and glanced to the side to see she was being held back by a Japanese man with Raven black hair and unamused red eyes that dulled with boredom.

"You will not be leaving. You are to stay in here until Luciano comes. Don't try to escape. Daijōbu?" Although she didn't know a bit of Japanese, she knew that it if she refused to do as he said, it would be the last thing she ever do. Regretfully, she nodded, but was still careful not to cut herself on the blade. He nodded back and replaced the katana back into its sheath and returned to his post by the door.

What now?

~Don't Be Afraid~ (2p!Italy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now