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"Is the rope really necessary?" Abby squirmed uncomfortably from the binds around her wrists and ankles.

"Yup." Francois said simply, not even taking his eyes off the almost vacant road that they had been driving down for the past five minutes.

After the strange conversation at the IHOP, the group had taken her to their van where they tied her up. Now she was in the back seated between Zao and Matt. Matt was only there because 'that broccoli brained vegan' called shotgun. The next row of seats was Viktor and Oliver, who kept to their sides of the van. And up in the front was Francois in the driver's seat, and Allen in the passenger's side. Now and then, the American would peek back to give his brother mocking expressions. The Canadian was not fazed by the slightest.

Abby glowered at the Frenchman. "Untie me right now."

"You'll run away." She gave him a look that said 'are you serious?' and he sighed. "Fine."

Zao untied her and she stretched like a cat. "Where are we going?"

Viktor answered this time. "You ask a lot of questions."

"And, yet, no answers. Whose fault is that?"

Oliver peeked at her from over the seat and gave her a reassuring smile. "We won't hurt you, poppet. We're going to find your friend. (Y/n), right?" She nodded. "If the others are mean to you, I'll take care of them." That last part was finished with a sickly sweet grin that made everyone uncomfortable.

"Okay... Who is this Vargas guy?"

Zao, who at some point put his arm behind her, slumped back into the seat and glanced down at her. She tried not to visibly cringe from his stench. "Well, Gōngzhû. Luciano and his group are rivals of ours. We both hate each other's fucking guts. We were planning on attacking his hideout in a few days, but since you're so cute and he's got your friend, we'll do it tonight."

"But isn't that a little dangerous? I don't even think you have a plan."

Al turned in his seat with a baseball bag in his hand. Are those nails?! "We got a plan alright. We're gonna run in and beat the shit out of them!"

"Well then."

~With (Y/n)~

"This is a horrible idea..."

"This is a great idea!"

By Flavio's suggestion, he and (Y/n) snuck to the back of the house where the drain pipe was. The blond man hoisted her up so she could have a better leviage, but she doubted that would matter in a couple minutes. If they got caught, they'd be dead.

(Y/n) climbed barely a couple feet when a thought struck her. Looking down over her shoulder, she looked into those strange eyes. "But how will you get away? This thing can't support us both."

He took a step back. "No."

"I'm sorry." Another step.

"Don't do it!!"

It was too late, though. He was gone. Jumping out of the bushes behind him was Kuro.

"You're done for!" Kuro shouted as he chased Flavio to the other side of the house.

"FLAVIO! Damn you, Kuro!" Knowing this was no time to mourn her loses, (Y/n) climbed faster. It wouldn't be long until Flavio was caught; he's not exactly an Olympic runner. Not in those clothes. She opened the window as much as possible, not caring which room it went into, and crawled inside, tumbling to the floor.

"Going somewhere, bella?"


(Y/n) looked up and there he was in all his douchery. Luciano was sitting in a velvet-padded chair that he placed in the middle of the room, right in front of the window. It was almost like he knew exactly where she would go. He wore that condescending smirk that made his face all the more punchable -but she would be lying if she said it wasn't a little attractive.

She looked at him with disbelief. "What about Flavio?! He's your brother!"

He scoffed. "Whatever. He's a pain in the ass anyways. Kuro will take care of him."

"Do you even know what you're doing?!"

"I know exactly what I'm doing." After pausing for dramatic effect, he continued. "You're outnumbered, (Y/n). There's no escape. Go back out that window, Lutz will catch you before you even touch the ground. Try for the door, you'll need to get past me."

'Damnit, he's right.' She thought biterlly.

"You're only hope now is to give up. Do it without resistance and I might go easy on you."

She snapped at him and stood up quickly. "I will never give up to you, Vargas!!"

A low chuckle came from Luciano as he pulled out a small handgun from inside his jacket, aiming it at her. "I thought as much from you. That's an admirable but fatal trait you possess. Any last words?"

(Y/n) looked him right in the eyes and said, "Go to hell."

"I'll meet you there."

She closed her eyes tightly, regrettably accepting her fate....

...Or was she?

Before he could pull the trigger, she reached behind her and took out her own gun identical to his, her eyes wide open. Luciano was given almost no time at all to react as the gun was aimed at him and the trigger was pulled. He and the chair fell backwards and there was silence.

The door opened and Lutz burst in. With another BANG he was shot in the chest. He stood there in shock, red dripping down his shirt.

Flavio entered carrying Kuro, then dropped him on the floor without care. The back of Kuro's head was red and his eyes were closed.

"I might have accidentally shot him in the head and knocked him out."

Looking down at Luciano's disheveled body, a red spot on the front of his uniform, (Y/n) felt victory.

"We win, Luci. You and your goons were no match for us."

He glared at her and grumbled. "Tricky son of a bitch..."

She laughed and helped him up. "Did it really hurt that much? That fall was pretty dramatic, even for you."

"It was a paintball!"

"That stain is not gonna come out."

They put the guns away and went back to their normal business. Things were so calm, (Y/n) almost forgot that she was kidnapped. She wasn't given many restrictions other than no outside communication and no walking outside without someone present. As irritable and grouchy as Luciano was, he was nice when he wanted to be. Especially to her. He even suggested a paintball fight because he noticed how bored she was. Flavio is nice too. And, to Luciano's disliking, Kuro and Lutz have been teaching her self-defense, sword fighting, and handling a gun.

Still, she missed home. She missed her Abby. A part of her felt like they were just being nice to her so she wouldn't want to leave. And a part of her really didn't want to leave. She just started enjoying it when Luciano stopped being a total ass. It's only been a couple days, but he's seemed to have warmed up to her, even just a little bit. It's almost depressing to think that (Y/n) will have to leave at some point.

She would very likely get in trouble for it, but she didn't care. She needed some air. (Y/n) walked down the path she and Luciano took earlier that day. The area was peaceful and she couldn't help but stop now and then to take it all in. It was during one of her stops that she noticed what looking like a van hidden behind some trees.

"What the-" She tried to get a closer look, then almost fell down a steep hill when she was pulled back. For a second, she thought it was maybe Luciano or Flavio. She was wrong. Very wrong. Her "savior" held her hands behind her back, speaking in her ear while holding a bad-smelling rag to her face.

"Hey, doll, you're coming with us."

And everything went black.

~Don't Be Afraid~ (2p!Italy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now