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Confusion took over her features when (Y/n) noticed Oliver's eyebrows furrowed, cotton candy eyes staring at her with surprise and concern. Slowly, she sat up and looked down at her lap, fingers playing with the frayed strings of the blanket that covered her. She felt like she had done something wrong.

His concern melted into something softer, and he gave her a reassuring smile. "It's alright, (Y/n)... Just try to relax. Everything is going to be taken care of." She tried to smile back, and (e/c) eyes followed him as he stood from his chair, walking to the door and looking back at her. "I can let Abby know you're awake now, if you want. I'm sure she would love to see you."

She nodded without hesitation; did she really even need to think on that? "Please, Oliver. I feel like it's been a hot minute since we've seen each other."

He smiled one last time before stepping out, softly shutting the door behind him. However, that smile dropped the second the door closed. He stared ahead, biting his lip, increasingly worried and unsure about what he should do. He paced down the hall and to the stairs, lost in thought, and not even bothering to admire the elegant and homely decor he had chosen for their headquarters.

'This is horrid,' he thought bitterly, eyes casted downward, 'Absolutely horrid! Not only did the poppet become injured, but she doesn't even know who Luciano is!'

He stopped for a moment, pondering something. However, he soon shook his head, dismissing his thoughts, and made his way down the stairs that let off in the living room, where most of the Allies and Abby had been lounging since their return.

The first thing he noticed was the absence of Francois, though he was likely outside for a smoke break. He'd have to talk to him about that later. He already knew that Matt had gone to take care of Kuma. So all that was left were Allen, Zao, Viktor, and Abby. The girl was currently cornered at the end of the couch by Zao, who was unashamedly hitting on her, while Viktor lounged in an armchair, simply rolling his eyes at the Chinese man. As for Allen, he was replacing the nails on his bat for newer ones, the rusted ones left haphazardly on the coffee table.

Noticing Oliver's return, Abby used it as an excuse to escape Zao's advances, moving closer to Oliver, who seemed to be capable of holding off and intimidating the people of this group. She was already worried out of her mind, but that worry grew stronger when she saw how confused and lost he seemed.

She asked slowly, "Oliver, is she...alive, at least?"

He nodded, but kept his gaze to the floor. "She will be fine. But...there seems to be a- situation..."

It was then that the group was finally paying attention. Abby frowned. "What do you mean?"

This got the attention of the others—even Viktor. Oliver thought over his words carefully, then answered her slowly. "(Y/n) seems to have...slight memory loss..."

It was hard not to notice the realization followed by a flash of guilt on Allen's face, who then awkwardly diverted his attention back to his bat. He acted as if he didn't care, mumbling, "That's unfortunate."

The air in the room was tense, and no one knew what they should say. That was, until Zao spoke up.

"What if we just hit the girl on the head again? I saw that on the TV once."

Abby turned on her heels, giving Zao an astonished look. "We're not hitting my best friend! What we should do is take her to a hospital."

"Yeaaah, sorry," Allen said as he stuck in the last nail, crimson eyes peeking out from behind his shades that he had on his face, "that's not happening. She's a prisoner of war now, and, besides, hospitals take too fucking long to do shit."

Oliver gave a stern look, taking down a jar that had been on the mantel of the living room's fireplace. The jar had a label that said "SWEAR JAR" and already had a good collection of cash and coins. "Allen F. Jones," he scolded like a mother, "put a dollar in the jar, now!"

Allen groaned in annoyance, but did as he said, tossing a crumpled dollar bill into the jar. Oliver's characteristic smile returned and he placed the jar back on the mantel.

Viktor shifted in the armchair, setting down the book he had been flipping through. He spoke to Abby in the same monotonous tone she had heard from him the only other two times he's spoken. "We cannot take your friend to any place for help. Luciano has already seen our message by now and will be coming here to retrieve her."

"Or he could be coming here to yell." Allen shrugged. "We ain't certain he's got an attachment to her."

Zao snorted, stretching out so he can lay on the couch. "Your grammar is giving me cancer."

"I think that's just the opium..." Abby muttered.

~With (Y/n)~

She curled up on her side, (h/c) strands splayed out on the soft pillow. The moment the British man left she had been furiously racking her brain for any recollection of a 'Luciano'. The name felt so familiar, but the harder she tried to grasp at it the more it slipped away, and the blurrier the images that played in the back of her eyelids.

With each passing scene in her subconscious, she could only make out few details that she could really focus on. But the one thing that stood out was always captivating magenta eyes that made her melt. It was such an impossible color, but it just made those eyes all the more beautiful to her.

Unfortunately, seeing those eyes was as far as she could get before her head would start to hurt. Unable to sleep, (Y/n) slowly got out of bed and made her way out of the room. If she couldn't figure this out on her own, then perhaps Abby could help. It wouldn't hurt to also ask Oliver, and anyone else in this place that could help her remember the name: Luciano.

~With the Axis~

They wouldn't need much for the attack, just a few blunt weapons so they could avoid any unnecessary casualties. This is what Luciano said, but his brother knew it was because he didn't want a stray bullet getting to (Y/n).

The stubborn Italian would never admit it, but Flavio knew Luciano cared a lot for the girl. Though she hadn't been with them long, they had all grown an attachment to her. But not as much as Luciano Vargas.

Flavio had never seen his brother blow up in such a way over someone. There would be no talking him out of this, but, then again, did he really want to stop this? When Flavio has heard of (Y/n)'s capture, he was almost just as furious as Luciano. To Flavio, the Allies might as well have kidnapped his family.

He stood by his brother as they watched Lutz and Kuro load the van with weapons. He had made several attempts to convince Luciano to try a more negotiable approach, but there was no changing his mind on this. Not when (Y/n) was at risk.

"Are you sure about this, Luci...?" Flavio glanced warily at the scarily stoic expression on Luciano's face as he replied.

"I'm certain. They're going to have hell to pay."

~Don't Be Afraid~ (2p!Italy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now