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"You gotta be kidding?!" Luciano shouted, slamming his hands on his desk. "I mean, it's not like they'd be of any real threat with their situation. But you can't actually be serious!"

Flavio was standing by the window and looking out at the sky that was already darkening. "That's what I was told. I was surprised myself when one of them invited themselves into my place. It doesn't seem like their situation is hurting them. In my opinion, the only problem they have is cooperation. So what are you going to do, Luci?"

He sat back down, thinking. For a moment he said nothing, but then only mumbled 'not sure'. Having nothing else to add, the brothers were quiet. The oldest was still curious, though, and changed the subject.

"So, fratello, what was going on with you and (Y/n)?" It was obviously that the blonde caught him off guard. Luciano nearly fell over from shock -he wasn't expecting him to actually care. "What the hell are you talking about?!" He tried to sound as if he didn't know, but the flushed expression gave him away. Flavio covered his mouth with his hand, trying to cover up the laugh that was coming up, and waved his other hand dismissively at him. "Nothing, nothing. Your face says it all."

Luciano was fuming. "Says what?! God damnit, get out of my face!"

"I'll go check on mia angela, then." He was going to stop him, but the blond had already sprinted out. Instead, he stayed where he was. What happened earlier passed through his mind; as if it hadn't already.

'I don't even know what that was.' He thought, but scowled at another thought. 'It really pisses me off, though. That stupid girl doesn't even know Flavio for an hour and is already on first name bases. Whereas with me, it's always "Vargas, this!" "Vargas, that!" or "Vargas, do you want a foot up your ass?" She should be the one treating me with respect! I have the higher authority here!' He calmed his rambling and left his office.

'But what was that?'

~With (Y/n)~

"So you bailed, huh?" (Y/n) asked, sitting criss-cross on the floor.

"What was I gonna do? Stay?" Flavio replied, whom of which was sitting on the bed behind her braiding her (h/l) (h/c) locks, careful not to miss a single strand. He scoffed. "If he's gonna throw a tantrum, he's gonna throw it without me in the room."

"Thank you!" She exclaimed and started to twist her head to look at him, but a yank on the half-braided hair stopped her. "Ouch, god damnit, Flavio!!"

"No moving. I'm almost done. You both have such a foul mouth." He took a piece of her hair and wrapped it around the finished end of the braid, using it like a hair tie since he didn't have one.

"I am nothing like that ass!"

"That's really not helping your case, angela. The two of you bicker like an old married couple!" (Y/n) huffed.

"Done already? You're good with hair, Flavi." She complimented, staring appreciately at the well-done braid.

The blond, who found the nickname cute, wrapped both arms around her shoulder, hugging her from behind. "Gracie, carina!" He quickly added, "By the way, I don't hug people often. But you're an acception!"

(Y/n) laughed and patted his arm and responded humorously. "I should feel honoured." She leapt onto the bed, laying on her stomach beside him and looking up at Flavio with interested (e/c) eyes. "So what were you guys talking about? I heard 'his Royal assness' shouting."

"I don't think it'll affect you in any way. But I guess I should tell you, just in case." (Y/n) sat up, waiting for answers.

"There's this group that hates us and wants us dead. We've been fighting each other since forever. Lately they've been quiet. But early this morning, one of them approached me and said 'be prepared'. I think his message got through when he busted a hole in my door."

~Don't Be Afraid~ (2p!Italy x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن