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The brunett man let yet another sigh escape his lips, magenta eyes staring with boredom at the grandfather clock; it was one he had discovered in the attic, and ordered for Lutz to move it to the study. The rythmic tocks of clock blended with the impatient tapping of his fingers on the desk. There were just a few nice paintings, but Luciano chose to fix his interest between the clock and the door. He listened for the sound of Kuro coming up the stairs. Hearing nothing, he began to hate the clock, and the door.

'Mio dio, how much longer do I have to fucking wait?!' Speaking to no one, he grumbled in annoyance "Quella donna maledetta, she's lucky I should just go wake her myself." Even so, he stayed seated in the swivel chair. Leaning back, he decided to relax for a few minutes as he let his eyelids drop.

There was a calming silence. Quiet was a blessing every now and then. Not even the birds made a single chirp. Sunlight leaked through whatever opening there were in the curtains that hung over the window, allowing a comfortable warmth to spread throughout the room. Already it was almost 7:30 in the morni-

His eyes snapped open at this sudden realisation. A look of utter dread overtook him.

'This is around the time he wakes up.....' He thought grimly.

As if on cue, the phone on the desk rang. Reluctantly and with a twinge of annoyance, he answered the phone, bringing it to his ear. Taking a deep breath, he spoke.



"GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!!" Luciano, almost dropping the phone from surprise of the sudden loud noise, held the phone at arms' length. "Stop yelling every time I answer the phone, idiota!"

The whining of his older brother was heard. "Però Luci~! Voglio parlare con te! Per favore, don't be so cold to me, fratellino~!" Just hearing his voice made Luciano cringe.

He brought the phone back to his ear and yelled at his brother. "I told you not to call me Luci! And I wouldn't be as angry if you didn't push all my damn buttons!!"

"I'll take it!"

He sighed, hitting his face with his hand. "What do you want, Flavio."

Flavio hummed in satisfaction, now that his little brother was no longer yelling at him, and pondered why he called. "Hmm~ I forget. Oh, no, wait! I remembered! I'm coming to see you."

Luciano's anger returned. "Che cosa! Why?!"

"Why not? It'll be fun!" He then spoke in a hushed tone as if telling a secret. "I also might have some good news for you~."

This intrigued him; he wanted to know what Flavio may or may not have discovered. "When will you be here?"

"Grandioso! I should be there around 6. See you then~! Arrivederci, fratello~!" With that, Flavio hung up.

Luciano leaned back in his chair, letting out a long sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose with a look of irritation. Not even 8AM and he already has a headache. Great!

He looked up when hearing a light knock on the door. The door opened and revealed a certain Japanese man standing in the doorway. Luciano gave him a grunt in acknowledgment.

"Kuro, what is it? Shouldn't you be keeping an eye on the girl?"

"Hai. That is what I came to tell you. She is awake."

A smirk began to take form, and Luciano stood up. "Took long enough. How did she react?"

"She attempted to escape through the window, but I stopped her."

He nodded. "Come," was all he said as he went down the stairs, Kuro following close behind.

The floorboards creaked as he strode into the sitting room where the girl would be. And, surprisingly, she was. Honestly, he thought she would use the opportunity to escape, seeing as she left alone long enough.

She didn't notice him enter, and instead continued looking down at the floor like it was the most interesting thing in the room. The fact that (Y/n) hadn't acknowledged his presence, it made it obvious to Luciano that she must be deep in thought. He caught himself staring at her once again. Her brows were furrowed, her lips pressed into a thin line, and her almost sparkling (e/c) eyes stared closely at the floor as if it had all the answers to whatever she was thinking about. Those eyes looked pretty...

'Again?! Get yourself together, Vargas!'

He finally decided to get her attention. "What could you be thinking about, ragazza?" This startled the girl and she almost fell off the couch. Fortunately, Luciano was quick to act and kept it from happening. "Now, don't give yourself a concussion just because you fell and hit your head." What's with the concern?

He just barely heard her mumble, "I'd much rather the concussion."

This angered the Italian. He grabbed her chin and forced her to look him in the eyes, their faces were so close that their noses were almost touching. "That can easily be arranged." He took a moment to get a better look at her. Her eyes were prettier up close... Pushing these thoughts away, he stood up straight again. "Nobody likes a smartass. So don't go acting like one unless you want your throat slit, ragazza." He smirked when he noticed her shiver at his threatening words.

Finally, she spoke. "What do you want with me? Who are you?"

Her obvious fear made him chuckle. 'She's trying to act brave. How cute~.'

"I think you should be the first to introduce yourself, bella."

"My name is none of your damn business!" His eye twitched. "And I think I asked you first!"

Her stubbornness was really beginning to piss him off. Grabbing her shoulder and glaring down at her, he was close to exploding with rage. But he couldn't hurt her. Not yet, that is. So, pushing her away lightly, he then settled for harshly flicking her forehead, making her fall backwards.

'Oh well. I might as well tell her who I am, maybe she'll shut up...'

"My name is Luciano Vargas. Happy? Now tell me your name."


His smirk returned. "Bene. Good choice, (Y/n)." He could get used to that name.

Ordering Kuro to take (Y/n) to the empty guest room upstairs, he watched the two leave. Muttering to himself, Luciano, too, left. But instead of ascending the stairs, he went out the front door, not saying a word as to where he was going.

~Don't Be Afraid~ (2p!Italy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now