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Reluctantly, (Y/n) stayed put in the little guest room that Kuro had left her, at the orders of Luciano. She didn't want to be there, obviously, but what was she going to do? Jump out the window? No, she tried that already but was caught, not to mention this was the second floor. She needed to escape.

'But how?' (e/c) eyes wandered to the window again. It was foolishly left unlocked, as if her captors were confident she wouldn't attempt to escape. 'Dangerous or not, these guys are idiots if they thought it was a good idea to leave an obvious escape route available...'

Taking one more glance to the closed door where a certain Japanese man was standing guard on the other side, she locked it, flinching at the small click sound it made that was sure to alert Kuro. If it did, she would have to be quick. Tiptoeing to the window, she unhooked the latch and lifted the grimey glass out of the way, cringing at the slightest noise. Looking out, there was a drain pipe trailing from the roof of the house to the ground below.

'Perfect. Now to get the hell out of here.'

Crawling out the window, she took ahold of the drain pipe, it creaking as she carefully manuvered to where she would have a good grip and would be less likely to fall. She then descended with care. So far, it seemed like no one had noticed her escape.

As she reached the ground and leaped off the pipe, she whispered to herself. "Ha. Idiots."

She soon regretted those words when hands grabbed her on both sides of her waist, pulling her into someone's chest.

'Shit shit SHIT!'

"Who is it that you're calling an idiot, bella?" The Italian man said into her ear as he flicked out a knife and held it to her neck, just barely pricking the skin.

"Wouldn't you like to know." She growled, her back to him. She didn't struggle; not like it helped any other time.

He flipped her around so that they were face-to-face, one hand gripping her waist to keep her from escaping and the other lifting her chin. She held her glare, never breaking eye contact, her hands on his chest to push him way, to no avail. This fire she had in her eyes, this confidence, Luciano admired.

Still, she had attempted to escape, regardless of the threats he had given her.

"Are you giving me attitude, again? (Y/n), I thought I told you to watch yourself."

Showing no fear, she replied. "You did. I just don't care." This definitely was pissing him off. Even so, she continued. "Now, Vargas, could you let me go before I kindly see how far I can get my foot up your ass?"

Luciano glared down at her. "I could kill you if I wanted to, cagna."

"Then why haven't you done it yet?"

This seemed to shock him. He shoved her away, not caring if she trips. (Y/n) let out a small sigh of relief, and was about ready to sprint. But that was until Luciano took a hold of her arm and dragged her back into the house, ignoring her complaints. Waiting inside was Lutz who was leaning on the railing of the stairs. The German noticed their entrance and was slightly confused to see the brunet with the girl again; no one else had noticed her escape, yet.

"When did she-" He was cut off before he could ask.

"Window. Flavio will be here in a few hours, so clean the place up. That's an order!"

Sighing, the German half-heartedly nodded and went off to do as he was told.

(Y/n) wanted to know who this Flavio guy is, and why he was coming here. Looking ahead of her at Luciano, she couldn't help noticing him appear more irritated than usual.

They went up the steps, surprising Kuro who, until now, believed (Y/n) to still be inside her room. Apparently not, since she was, in fact, not in her room but with an irritated Italian. Recognising this certain irritation, he didn't question it and stepped aside from in front of the bedroom door. Luciano turned the knob, only to find it locked from the other side. Growling, he forcibly jiggled the knob until it broke off in his hand. He looked at the girl standing with him in disbelief.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" She just shrugged. Rubbing his temples, he tried to keep from blowing up. Through gritted teeth, he said "Fine fine fine! Whatever! I don't freaking care!" He tossed the doorknob aside and dragged her down the hall and went into another bedroom.

The room was rather big; faded red wallpaper, wood flooring, a curtain hanging over the window, a large bed in the middle of the room, a dresser pushed against the wall, and a mirror.

He pointed to the bed and ordered, "Sit." She cocked a brow at him in puzzlement. "Do I have to repeat myself!"

She raised her hands up defensively and sat at the edge of the bed. "'Kay, don't get your panties in a twist, Vargas." This made him angry, but he didn't care at the moment and said nothing. He paced the room a few times before stopping in front of the window, observing the dirt driveway outside as if it were going to change in some way if he were to look away.

The silence made (Y/n) uncomfortable, so she broke the silence and asked, "What's with you? You seem pissed, more than normal..." She mumbled the last part to herself, though it didn't go unheard to the man.

He turned to face her, unsure of what to say. Brushing a hand through his hair, making his curl bob, he decided to tell her. "Flavio, he's mio fratello. And he's an idiot. Anyways, he called me saying that he was coming here soon to talk to me about something. I don't see why he couldn't just tell me over the phone."

The (h/c) shrugged. "Maybe it's something that needed to be said face-to-face?" She suggested.

He leaned against the wall. "Maybe..."

Once again, it became quiet, but this time it was less uncomfortable than it was before. Hands shoved in his pockets, Luciano stared off at nothing in particular. (Y/n) gazed at him; magenta eyes half-lidded like he was going to sleep, dark auburn hair tousled from when he ran his hand through it, and lips slightly parted as the occasional breath of air escaped through them. He looked so calm. This mesmerised the girl so much that she didn't notice her staring, but he certainly did.

He glanced at her, brows furrowed and a puzzled expression present. "What are you looking at?"

It brought her back to her sense, and, realising she had been caught, blushed in embarrassment. "N-nothing..." She looked around the room, trying to focus on anything but him. "Why am I in here?" It was obvious that this was his room.

He scoffed like she just questioned the obvious, worsening her blush. "What?!"

"There's nowhere else for you to stay, since you decided to lock the door to the guest room. Idiota." She huffed. Walking to the bed, he went to the other side and laid there on his side.

"What are you doing?"

"What does it look like. It's my room, and if I want to rest, then I'll fucking rest."

"Fine. Night, sleeping beauty."

He looked at her over his shoulder, a small pout evident and what almost looked to be a blush. "Don't call me that." He returned to his previous position and they said nothing else to each other. It didn't take long for Luciano's breaths to become slow, showing that he had fallen asleep.

'I guess he hasn't slept in a while...' She couldn't help but yawn, beginning to feel tired herself. 'It wouldn't hurt to just take a quick nap, right?' (Y/n) laid down on the plush mattress, (e/c) eyes already closing, until she passed out as well.

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