Chappie #11

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Erza's POV

Rogue and the others were talking while we sat in our corner.Frosche and Lector were standing on the railings,

“So...why were you guys on a glaring contest with Natsu and Gajeel?”Lucy asked,

“Tch.R-Rogue started it,Z--Zai!”Sting told me which made Rogue glare daggers at him,

“I didn't,Scarlet.I swear!”Rogue said,defending himself which made the others,except Sting,laugh.

“I heard everything...actually,”I 'fessed before looking at the arena again.

“well,yeah,I mean,you even called it 'entertaining'.”Mira said,rolling her eyes.

“Calm down,geez...”I retorted,rolling my eyes at her too.They then stopped talking to me as I ignored them,still looking down at the arena.That was before a plate of Strawberry cheesecake was placed in front of me,

“hey Scarlet,what are you thinking?”Rogue asked as he sat beside me,

I grabbed the fork and started eating before replying,“Not much...Nothing you should mind.”

“eh?Are you sure?”He asks again which made me look at him...C-Crap!Wrong move.... O///O

His face was too near to mine......GAHHH!!O///O Why the hell am I even blushing!!?That's just Rogue!

I lightly pushed his face away from mine,using my pointed-finger.“P--Personal space,Rogue...Haven't you ever heard of t-that?”I asked before looking away to hide my red face.

“Hahaha,no need to hide it,Scarlet.Your face is camouflaged by your hair,hahaha!”he teased which made me throw a death-glare at him,but he just smiled.

I took another bite of my cake before looking at the arena again.“Honestly,I'm just thinking of the past and present...I still don't understand how we were kicked out of Fairy Tail,”I answered before shrugging,“but now,I honestly don't mind it anymore.I'm happy and contented with my new family in Sabertooth.”

“F--Family?”he stuttered which made me smile,

“well y--yeah...I kinda feel more comfortable with calling y-you guys my f--family,other than friends.”I answered,blushing.He then flashed a smile at me,

“y--yeah...?M-Me too.”He replied,blushing too.

I sighed,“Listen,Rogue...”I called which caught his attention as he blushed harder,

“y--yeah,S-Scarlet?”he stuttered.

I stopped before my smile got wider,“thanks for being a good friend,for accepting Lucy,Mira,and I.Thanks,okay?”I said,looking at my cake to avoid his gaze.

“Y--Yeah...”He paused to sigh lightly,“N-No problem.”He continued,

I looked at him,confusedly.He kinda sounded a bit sad and disappointed when he said those words,did I say something wrong?

Then we heard a loud facepalm,which caught our attention.Lucy,Mira,Sting,Rufus,and Orga were facepalming at the same time while Yukino,Frosche and Lector were chuckling.

“W--What's up?”I asked,confusedly which made Mira and Lucy sigh,

“geez,your friend is too clueless,huh,Luce?”Sting asked.

“yep...Absolutely clueless.”Lucy replied before sighing again,

“You guys are acting weird.”I commented before eating my cheesecake again,

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