Really Important Note. I MEAN IT. If you like this story, PLEASE READ.

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Heyyo snowflakes!

The title obviously says everything.

If you don't like this story, please go along and ignore me HAHAHAHA.

Anyway, I just realized that it's actually been 7 months since I last updated this story.

I'd gladly bow down on my knees in front of you guys, if you can just see right now. (But you actually can't sooooo~ :p)

Anyway, I'm being REALLY serious when I said that I'm planning to discontinue the story.

You see, I'm going to be a 9th grader this school year (not sure if it's true, but most of the students from my school --which is a SCIENCE school by the way, so most students are really smart, except maybe for me since I'm really dumb-- say that the 9th grade is probably the hardest school year a person will ever experience. So I'm preparing myself already for it.

I'm also attending summer class T^T, (please.. pity me. :() because I fcking received an 89 in Math. Can you believe it!? IS THAT EVEN A FAILING GRADE!!? I literally cried myself to sleep!

Oh well, summer class is almost over anyway.. But my school actually starts regular classes earlier than other schools... ._.

We're starting it next week. And I'm seriously crying because.... We just finished summer class, and I already gotta go to school!! TT~TT

...Seriously, I'm not exaggerating, so please forgive me since I've become even busier than ever.

I really wanna update ALL of my stories, but this book is really hard to continue. I've still got writer's block.

Do you guys know that feeling when you try to think of what to write next, and an idea comes up, but it should be written for like the story's ending or something?

..Yes. That's what I've been experiencing these past few months.

Oh well, all's NOT well, ends NOT well. :(

Anyway, I'll atleast be updating my new story, and it's entitled Date Me. It's a GrayZa fanfic, and I PROMISE that I'll be updating my for, like, I dunno every month? Hahahaha! Whenever I have time, atleast. I'm also prepared for writer's block since I've written some ideas down for that story.


It would help me a lot if you guys would suggest stuff to me. If you have ideas for this story, just tell me, and I'll gladly listen (and try to write it if it starts to click in my head). :))

But I'm also deeply sorry to say that I'm still considering the discontinuation of this story.

That's all I wanted to say. Thanks for reading to those who read this note. ^___^

Signing out,
Eira Scarlet Fullbuster

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