Chapter 3

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It's been three hours now and still no words were spoken.

Sitting in the Principal's office with my grandfather at my side with a blank expression on his face, and the beefy man in charge of the school sitting behind the desk in front of me, I realized I might have stepped a little out of line.

You see, I finally went to the cafeteria for a change. One thing led to another and Mercy ended up with a bloody nose and a puffy eye. She is probably sitting with her mother outside the office while my grandfather was called in and now we were facing the big guy. The thing that made me feel absolutely comfortable was being seated in a room where both the grown men were acting like lawyers. You know, straight faced with crossed arms? They probably didn't even realize I was used to being treated like a child, and the act they were putting on right now, was not intimidating at all.

I'm actually surprised they were trying to act like this after everything that's happened up until this point. I honestly expected the school to call the cops, seeing as I'm a convict in the Principal's eyes.

In my grandfather's eyes, I was even worse than a convict, so that didn't help much either.

"There is really one of two choices on how to handle this situation." The Principal finally spoke up. His eyes were focused on my grandfather, as if I'm not even here. "I could call the Lockdown Centre and report her behavior. Or I could turn my eyes the other way and give your granddaughter another chance."

I didn't really care what they decided on, so instead of sitting on the edge of my seat, I kept my face devoid of emotion and watched the big guy while my grandfather scrutinized my face.

I guess he realized I wasn't going to beg for mercy because he grunted and faced the Principal again.

"I say we give her another chance but I'll handle the punishment myself. I'm sure nothing you'll do will have any effect on her, Bill."

The Principal looked a little surprised by my grandfather's response but after a long moment he nodded and turned his gaze to me.

"It would probably be useless to force the girl into apologizing to Miss Mercy." He stated.

I held back on the smirk that was begging to be let out while glaring at the man. When I didn't say a word he sighed heavily and checked his watch.

"School will be out in a minute so you may leave. Angel, don't make us send you back there." His last words were strict and held promise but I didn't really take him up as seriously as he wanted me to.

I rolled my eyes and got up with my grandfather. Grabbing my backpack, I headed out the door, flipping Mercy off as I passed her.

She looked stunned and ready to attack me again but my grandfather grabbed hold of my upper arm and dragged me out of the office.

I could feel my skin bruising as my grandfather kept dragging me.

Mrs. Fredericks sent me a concerned look when we passed her desk but I shook my head in order to stop her from standing up. She was in the cafeteria with me when everything happened. She was there to give one of the lunch ladies a message and saw everything happen.

Unfortunately I didn't want anyone to try covering for me. No matter what is said or done to save me, it would never clear my name. No, it's already buried under so much blood that it wasn't really even readable anymore.

I was dragged all the way out into the parking lot in front of the school before my grandfather pulled me around to face him. I could see the unkempt rage in his eyes when he met my gaze. Still, I didn't flinch or even so much as show an inch of the fear.

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