Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

It was finally Monday and like every normal Monday, I headed to school with a lack of emotion on my face, my mood only brightening when I thought about heading over to the Everest residence after school. I already knew that only Mr. Everest would be home, thanks to the invite I'd gotten from Dan this morning to join them at Travis's house after work. It was actually quite sweet of him to already talk about me having a job even though I still had to discuss the final few details with the man and we needed to discuss what he would do for Steven. I hadn't even spoken to Steven since that first call but it was mostly because I was scared he would find out about my grandfather hitting me. He'd never been calm when he knew someone was abusing me. It was one of the reason's he hadn't been released yet. I shook my head to rid myself of the thoughts before focusing ahead of me where the school parking lot was coming into view. To think, three days ago my grandfather had punched me right there in front of all the people I now considered to be my friends.

A small smile pulled at my lips when I pulled into a parking and noticed that the bell still hadn't rung yet, meaning my nemesis was still somewhere in this parking lot. She was probably sporting just as nasty a bruise than I was. I smirked at the thought before getting out of the car, instantly attracting a lot of attention by the mere fact that I showed up. Most of them witnessed my reflex reaction towards Mercy on Friday.

My eyes scanned over the surrounding students before settling on Mercy, who indeed, looked like shit, especially since she was trying to hide the damage done behind a thick layer of coverage. It only made her look like she forgot to take off her Halloween mask a few months ago. I lifted my hand and gave her a friendly wave, causing her face to turn a faded red or pink color while a few surrounding jocks looked like they were ready to burst out laughing.

With a satisfied feeling settling in the pit of my stomach, I turned and headed towards the school, noticing and ignoring the stares I was getting because of my own bruised face. I really hope the school day will pass fast because I need to finish this meeting with Mr. Everest.

It wasn't long before I finally reached my last class, which happened to be with Mr. Stewards. By the lazy smile on his lips when Mercy walked in, he clearly hadn't forgotten what she looked like last weekend when she left the school. He sat on the desk again while the rest of the students took their seats. I was just about to sink into a seat at the far back when he cleared his throat.

"Miss. McKenzie, I think it would be best if you sat up front from now on. I wouldn't want you breaking anyone else's nose while I'm trying to keep everyone's attention throughout the lesson."

At his casual words, the class filled with giggles and chuckles and I narrowed my eyes on him.

"Don't take it up too personally, it's just a precaution." He stated but there was a smirk lifting the one corner of his mouth, making him look utterly heartbreakingly gorgeous as well as annoying.

With a huff, I turned on my heel and walked right up to the front of the class before tossing my backpack on the floor and dropping heavily into my seat.

"Alright, with that settled, I would like you all to get ready for the reading. I hope everyone remembered to write their pieces."

There was an audible groan from a few of the people behind me while I merely rolled my eyes and fell forward, smacking my forehead onto the desk with a resounding 'smack'. Groaning as a slight stinging sensation ran through my head. Why on earth did he have to be a teacher?

"Alright, since Miss. McKenzie is so excited to do this reading, why don't you go first?"

My head jerked up fast, making my vision blur for a moment before I saw the man with a sarcastic smile directed right at me. Now I definitely have to go to Travis's house, so I can kill this guy.

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