Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

A week passed in which I didn't focus on anything anyone said or did. I didn't even react when my car was finally egged or that my brother was walking the hallways of the same school. Honestly, I didn't care that he was in the picture now. I didn't care that he loved glaring at me or that my grandfather was constantly insulting me. I didn't care about anything other than the fact that there is a possibility that they'll be searching for more information about my case.

Detective Phillips was the kind of man who never gave up on anything until he had all the answers.

I barely even made myself go to the Walsh's residence, knowing they were all burning with questions about the entire blowout that happened that night. They knew nothing about me and suddenly everyone is speaking about my innocence from four years ago? Even Steven has stopped talking to me, knowing that I didn't want to tell him anything about it. He knew even less than anyone else until he got here and figured out what my childhood have been like before I was locked up. It was painful to know that Steven was ignoring me but it had to be done, it was the only way of keeping everyone else safe.

Ending the final class on Friday, I stepped out of the school and towards my car. I could see Christopher standing at the rust bucket but refused to show any emotion. I knew he would corner me some time in the future; it's just unfortunate he had to do it with the entire school leaving the building. Did he not like privacy?

"I knew grandpa would give you this piece of crap." He stated as soon as I was close enough.

I could see Travis, Dan, Mike, Erick and Steven standing by the SUV on the other side of the parking lot, watching our exchange. Some of the other students were stopping close by to watch us as well but I forced myself not to care too much.

"I'm guessing mum and dad's money went to that piece of crap convertible?" I threw right back at him. I even nodded towards the car parked behind mine.

He really planned this one out.

"Yeah well, it was a lot of money and since it didn't have to be split in two..." He grinned over at me and I felt my stomach roll a little. If he only knew the truth behind where that money came from and how much it was actually worth.

"I wouldn't want any of it anyway." Even though it would have helped me out a lot right now, it just wasn't worth using that cash. I would rather sit on the street begging for a nickel than using it.

"Yeah, sure, you would want it." He mocked and stepped away from the car to give me a once over. "I bet you would use it to buy yourself some makeup and tight outfits to go with your new criminal record. You're probably really proud of yourself." He sent me a menacing look and went as far as to slap me across the face.

I didn't react. Instead I just met his gaze steadily, unflinching. My gaze ran over the length of him, seeing the way his shoulders tensed and the hair that stood on end on his arms. He was scared of me. My own flesh and blood was scared of me. It hurt to know that but I couldn't show him weakness, it would only hurt us both. I'd hurt my brother enough and its part of the reason I let him go. My fear for him was rooted at the fact that I loved him; I would give my life to him, just like I would for Steven and anyone else.

"You really are an emotionless monster, aren't you?" He snarled and stepped back from me. "I don't know what you are, but you are not my sister. My sister disappeared years ago."

I might not have flinched, but on the inside my heart was being ripped out of my chest. I watched silently as he walked away and waited until he drove off. Once he turned the corner and disappeared from view, I turned and didn't realize what I was doing until I felt glass cutting into my arms. My fist went right through the window without effort and the blood was steadily coloring my long sleeved white sweater. Staring at the blood, I slowly leaned over and rested my forehead on the hood of my car. Why did my life have to be such a mess?

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