Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

The moment the door closed behind me, I felt the barrel of a gun pressed to the side of my head.

"You just could not resist, could you?" I asked dryly, shoving the gun away from my head.

I knew they would not shoot me, not yet. This guy has been after me for years now; he would want to make this as excruciatingly painful as possible.

"The boss gave me orders and-"

"I really do not care in the least." I proceeded to shove the man into the wall while making my way over to the living room, where I knew he would be. If there was one thing that I knew about this guy, it was the fact that he liked his comfort when he was at 'work'.

A few more guys tried coming up to me to grab me but one look in their direction and they seemed to take the hint. I walked through a group of them before finally entering the living room. I wasn't even shocked at what I saw, though it did make my anger spike.

Mr. Everest as thrown in a corner with a cloth pressed to his shoulder that was bleeding profusely. Mr. Walsh was seated beside his crying wife with a clear bullet hole in his leg. His wife had a few minor injuries while Mr. Wash's right eye was turning blue and Mr. Everest's face looked a little swollen. My gaze ran over the rest of them who each had minor injuries, Dan's hand still pressing to the side of his head where a little blood was dried on his cheek. Only Steven seemed to have a cut down his arm and he was slightly hunched over with his arm around his middle. They probably broke a few of his ribs.

My gaze then turned to find Christopher on the table with a deep gash down each of his arms. There were knife holes in his legs and a few of his fingers looked broken. His face was as white as a sheet as he stared at me. The disbelief was clearly written across his face. He didn't think I would come.

"You look just like your mother."

I scowled over at the man who was standing in front of the fireplace. His huge bulking form would have been intimidating if it wasn't for the years I'd spent taking beatings from people larger than him. His gray eyes were filled with amusement as he took me in.

"I'm glad to see that the years of starvation paid off." He added with a laugh.

"I take it you got your contact to look up on my stay in Lock-Down."

My lack of emotion made him glare at me, clearly not liking the fact that I wasn't reacting.

"You should have been dead, you stupid little girl." He snarled and thrust a knife at me.

I grabbed it from the air before it hit me and slowly spun it around my fingers. Seeing the shock in his gaze, I threw it back in his direction, making it sink into the wall to the hilt right beside his head. A startled gasp left his lips before two of his men grabbed hold of my arms.

"There is a reason why people started calling me Reaper."

"They started calling you that because you killed someone in the bathroom without using anything other than your bare hands." The man snarled.

The men holding me dug their fingers even deeper into my arms.

"You made me what I am!" I snarled, not even wasting my time to defend myself.

Anger was eating at my very being and I wanted nothing less than blood for what he did to me. I wanted blood for what he did to my family, and now my friends too.

The man stared at me for a few moments before he started laughing and walked over to stand beside Christopher. I felt my blood run cold at the mere fact that he was close to my brother. The man then lowered a little to stare into my brother's eyes.

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