Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

It was around seven thirty on Sunday morning that Mr. Everest called me up for work.

I had spent the entire Saturday walking the streets and just disappearing in the crowds. I was not interested in anything or anyone and mostly avoided home. I managed to succeed in avoiding everyone, even Jail-Bait's calls that kept coming in. Soon another number I didn't recognize also followed but I didn't answer my phone at all and even switched it off mid day. I only switched it on Saturday evening at around twelve and sent a message to Jail-Bait apologizing for not answering his calls and telling him I needed some time. I knew he'd understand, he had more than a few of those days when we were cell neighbors.

"Morning Kid, there's a job for you at the Police Station and Detective Phillips asked for you and your friend to help out. I already called up Steven and he's going to come and pick you up. You'll just have to show him the way."

I yawned broadly while rubbing at my eyes, still feeling half asleep.

"Jeez, you just couldn't give me a few more minutes, could you?" I questioned past another yawn.

I heard a slight chuckle emanate from the hard man I had to face more than a few times now.

"Just get out of bed." He then killed the connection.

I shoved my face into my palms and groaned loudly at the mere thought of working on a Sunday.

I should be heading to church, not a Police Station.

It took Steven and me a full hour before we pulled into a parking space right in front of the Police Station. Detective Phillips was already standing in the doorway with his arms crossed. I rolled my eyes at his strict and distrustful glare before glancing over at a rather amused Steven.

I spent the entire hour explaining our new job descriptions to him and this part of the job was rather amusing to him. Honestly, I couldn't blame him for the laughter that he had echoed throughout the hour. Honestly, they wanted us to do the job they failed to do with us years before? Sure, Steven and I weren't innocent kids anymore but at a time, that was exactly what we were.

These people were part of the reason we didn't have that anymore.

"By the way, Mr. Walsh asked me to bring you back home after this. They're having another dinner and you're obligated to be there."

I snorted at Steven as we both dropped out of the van doors. I looked across the bonnet at him.

"Obligated? Why am I obligated to be there?" I questioned with one raised eyebrow and my hands stuffed into my jean pockets. I could feel Detective Phillips' eyes taking in my tattoo that was now visible over my shoulder. I'd hidden it behind my shirts throughout the past weeks but today I just didn't care about hiding it anymore. What was the point? Everyone already knew I wasn't a saint.

"Apparently you're their daughter and every member of the family should be there."

I sent a glare towards Steven. Then my focus turned towards Detective Phillips who had straightened out and was no taking in both of us with narrowed eyes; no trust was ever lost there.

"You must be Detective Phillips?" Steven questioned while holding out his right arm with his full arm tattoo on display.

I could see Detective Phillips studying it while taking hold of Steven's outstretched hand.

"That I am, and if I'm not mistaken, you're Steven?" At my friend's nod, the Detective dropped his hold and then shifted his gaze over to meet mine. "I trust you already let your friend in on your job from here on out?" When I merely nodded, his eyes narrowed even more. "No funny business Angel, I could ensure that you go right back where you came from, you hear me?" Again, I merely nodded but could see Steven grinding on his teeth in order to keep his own retort at bay. "There are two teenagers in custody at the moment. They're a couple and we tried questioning them separately but they both refused to say a single word until they are together and even now, they merely hold hands and stare at the table like they're not even there."

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