Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

"Where should I start?" I asked after collecting myself again.

I managed to shut away all feelings I had and knew I was currently in the same emotionless state I was the day I came back here. I was just a shell and I would have to remain one until this is over. I was not going to show my weakness.

"I am going to be asking you questions and you will answer them. But first introduce yourself." Mr. Everest stated and I nodded firmly.

This was going to be a formal statement.

"My name is Angel Alice McKenzie, a.k.a. The Reaper and I was a convicted criminal locked up in the Bellville Lock-Down Centre for four years. My block number was fourteen, cell number ten. My cellmate was Steven Collins, a.k.a. Jail-Bait." I said firmly and received a nod of approval from Detective Phillips.

He had moved into the room by now and everyone else remained silent.

I guess they were present at Steven's statement as well.

"Miss. McKenzie, Mr. Collins already informed us about the circumstances of your first meeting but I would like to compare the two stories to confirm that they correspond." Mr. Everest said.

I nodded and shifted a little on the bed, in only hurt more but I ignored the pain.

"It was a week after I was sent to Lock-Down that we first truly met. I had known him as my cellmate before we actually met. We were in the Lock-Down cafeteria when I was ambushed by five older boys who then proceeded to beat me up. Steven stepped in to stop their attack and offered me a hand up. We became friends after that incident." I stated shortly, knowing the full details would not matter. All the police needed to know was what happened and where.

"I read in your file that you took the life of a sixteen year old boy a year ago. Would you please tell me more about that?"

I could see the shock on everyone's faces, apart from Steven, Phillips and Mr. Everest. It was one of the dark secrets I feared to talk about but I pushed my fears aside and nodded.

"Steven taught me how to fight and defend myself since we became friends. Because of the way I was learning, I took it to mind that I had to show everyone that I was not the weak little girl they thought I was. I picked a fight with anyone I came into contact with until it became a sick kind of thrill for me. It became my reason for living, just to see the fear in the other children's faces. I was so focused on my fighting and status that I forgot about Steven's presence most of the time." I admitted and sent Steven a quick shamed look he just shook his head at. "Unfortunately, no one else forgot about him. They started thinking I was his lanky, the one taking care of business for him. The rumors spread faster than I could stop it. One boy in particular, Cody was his name, got it into his mind that if he could kill Steven, he could take Steven's role over my life and I would be his prize. He attacked Steven in the bathroom one day and Steven was too surprised to have enough time to counter the attack. He was stabbed in the wrist, because of his reflex reaction to protecting himself." I felt a fleeting rage pass through me before I locked it away again. "I heard the commotion and ran into the boys bathroom just as Cody was about to stab Steven in the chest. I grabbed his hand as it swung down and countered his motion so the knife struck him in the chest and he dropped to the ground, bleeding out at my feet." I stated calmly. "I was charged again with murder but the case was thrown out after a tape was produced, proving that my action was one of defense and not murder."

"Are you proud of your actions?"

My eyes snapped up to see Mr. Everest's business face in place, proving that it was a valid question.

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