Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

"What did the doctor say this morning?" Someone asked from close by.

I would have frowned but I could not even feel my face, never mind move it. I felt like I was frozen in place and could only control the most basic of senses of my body, like my sense of hearing or smelling. Everything else was like a long lost memory, something I used to do but don't remember how. I missed being able to wake up and actually sit up in bed.

"He said she might wake up today or tomorrow. They took her off the medication that kept her under." That is definitely Mrs. Walsh.

"Did she finally tell you why they put her under in the first place?"

Again, I could not remember whose voice that is. I tried forcing myself to open my eyes again but it just gave me a headache.

"Yes, she did." There was a note of concern in Mrs. Walsh's voice. "Apparently Angel had a lot of internal injuries throughout the past few years and it never completely healed. When the bullet hit her organs, it nearly ripped everything apart. Dr. Adams said that they could not allow her to wake up in fear that she would be too active and rip the stitches apart. She had to heal first but they could not keep her under for longer than a week. Apparently, with Angel, it might lead to her body switching into depression and she could go into a permanent coma. She said we have to be around constantly to keep her from moving around too much. You know how Angel is." The last past was clearly an attempt at humor but it lacked the laughter.

The room settled into silence for a few minutes before someone else spoke up.

"I just cannot understand why she did not tell me the truth from the very start. She led me to believe that she killed our parents and I spent most of the past four years hating her. If I had known she was innocent-"

"If you knew she was innocent, you would have come visited or tried getting her out of there." Mr. Everest spoke up, breaking through Christopher's guilt ridden speech. "If you did any of those things, you would probably not even be sitting here today Christopher. Your sister was protecting you while placing herself in even more danger. I also did some more research into her case and it looks like everyone in that courtroom had been bought over. It does not matter what she might have said throughout that month long trial, no one would have listened. She probably already knew that before she even set foot into the court room."

I felt like crying at the mere thought that he did research on my case. He knew now what I had known from the very beginning. It did not matter what I would have said, I was already guilty of the crime in everyone's eyes. I was a casualty that was worth being made for them.

"Why was our family the one who was targeted? Why not someone else?" Christopher whispered in pain. He was suffering just as much as everyone else and it was all because I did not die too.

Of course, if I did die, it would have meant that they would have gotten away and probably still be busy screwing up people's lives.

"Angel, if you can hear me, please wake up now." I recognized Steven's voice as he whispered in my ear. "I miss you Reaper. You cannot leave us like this."

I smiled internally at the thought of him begging me to wake up.

Steven was never one to beg for anything.

There was a soft sound of knocking on a door and I wanted to kick myself for not being able to see who it was. What if it was more bad people? What if there is a leader I did not know of? What if they came after my new family and I could not even defend them?

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