Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I was barely even in the house yet when Travis and Mike both stuck their heads out the sitting room door with big curious eyes focused on me.

"So, how did it go?" Mike was the first to enquire.

I just stood frozen in front of the doorway.

"Did you get the job, whatever the job is?" Travis was the next to ask.

As I opened my mouth to answer, they were both suddenly yanked from the doorway by the back of their collars. I then saw a rather amused Mr. Walsh holding them back while giving me a friendly welcoming smile.

"Hello Angel, how are you?" He questioned and then gave both the boys looks that clearly stated they should have more manners than that.

I couldn't stop a smile from pulling at my lips when both of them dropped their gazes to the floor in shame. It was honestly so weird to think they were four years my senior when they were always acting like a bunch of kids.

"I'm doing good Mr. Walsh, thank you."

I shuffled past the three of them to face a room holding the rest of the crew, consisting of Erick and Dan. I nodded at them in greeting, seeing as they were rather focused on a game of chess. I frowned while checking the rest of the room.

"Where's Mrs. Walsh?" I turned to Mr. Walsh for an answer but it was Travis who did.

"She's in the kitchen. She practically ran to it as soon as we heard your rust bucket heading to the house. Apparently you must be starving and she's heating up some of the leftover pizza." Travis looked like he was on the verge of laughter at the mere thought that his mother was acting like that.

Somewhere inside of me it felt like I'd just come home to a mother of my own. When did people start liking me? When did adults start acting like parents towards me? I frowned at the thought and turned to the door just as Mrs. Walsh walked in with a large plate of pizza. There were about six different slices of pizza heaped onto the place and the cheese was almost sagging onto the plate. It practically made my mouth water and embarrassing enough, my stomach growled loud enough for even Erick and Dan to look up from their game. I felt a blush take over my face, something that's stopped happening four years ago while my hand lifted to rub my empty stomach.

"See, I told you the child will be starving." Mrs. Walsh stated proudly.

Her husband was struggling to hold in laughter but Mike and Travis were practically rolling around on the floor with their own laughter.

"Now dear, why don't you take a seat and start eating. I'm sure you can talk to us about the meeting while you're at it." She winked at me then ushered me over to a seat and took a seat beside me.

Soon, everyone was seated and I was stuffing my face with pizza, not even caring about the fact that I must look like a bum who haven't had pizza in years.

"Jeez, it's like watching a cannibal movie." It was only when Dan spoke up that I stopped eating.

I looked up to see him blushing while both Mr. and Mrs. Walsh glared at him.

"Sorry." He mumbled in shame.

I offered him a small smile while wiping the juices from my face. I sent the last two pizza pieces a longing look before facing everyone in the room.

Dan and Erick had finished their game and were now part of the conversation.

"It's fine, I'm just really starving and it's been a while since I had pizza." I stated casually. I was glad that none of them were reading anything into my words. My eyes shifted to Mrs. Walsh who was seated at my side and still smiling at me, though it was smaller than before. "The meeting went well. I just got my job description and apparently I'm only starting to actually work on Friday. Till then I'll either be sorting some papers in the office or Mr. Everest will be taking me to the police department to meet some of the people. Basically, I got the job and there is a possibility that I'll even be helping out the police with questioning and sometimes helping Mr. Everest out with the convicted criminals he'll have to defend in court." I shrugged one shoulder. I decided that's enough talk to make up for the first few minutes when I was stuffing my face. I picked up another slice of pizza and started taking smaller bites and actually chewing longer on the pizza.

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