Revolution 2

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KurtxKitty and LancexTabitha were tied in the poll. In second place there was ToddxWanda and a tie between two different Logan pairings, Rogue and Ororo. In terms of reviews, most people agree that it should be KurtxKitty. RoguexRemy was also suggested, albeit it was not in the poll, but I added it now. So far I'm going with KurtxKitty as the main pair if that's what you guys want.

I'll probably add some secondary pairings later, so keep letting me know what you want to see. You can still vote in the poll. Don't worry if you've used up your votes (you get 3), you can still express your opinions via review. Without further ado, on to chapter 2! There's plot in the first half of it, then the beginning of the KurtxKitty side of the story in the second half. Enjoy! :)


Chapter 02: Hidden

With wary and very overheated expressions, Ororo, Logan, Hank, Rogue, Kitty, Kurt and Evan headed inside the institute to talk to Professor Xavier about the weather's unwillingness to cooperate. However, after taking one look at Xavier's attire as he sat in the living room reading a book, most of them decided that just looking at his long sleeved shirt was enough to feel hotter and promptly made a detour towards the kitchen hoping to find some ice, popsicles or to simply stand in front of the open refrigerator to cool off.

"Is something wrong?" Xavier didn't even need to use his psychic abilities to reach such an obvious conclusion. The sweaty dejected faces in front of him spoke volumes as he looked up from his book. He had a feeling that this would be more than just a few passing words. Thus he picked up a bookmark from the small table next to him and placed it in the book, closing it and setting it on the table next to his cup of tea. The tea had been sitting forgotten for a while as Xavier had become absorbed in the book, rich in cultural and historical information, but the tea was, not surprisingly given the temperature, still steaming.

"Yes, there's something wrong!" Logan nearly growled, while Hank stood open mouthed and Ororo shook her head. "How can you be dressed like that in this heat?" Logan himself was sporting a pair of shorts and a tank top, being unable to bear the heat in his usual attire. Ororo was also dressed in summer fashion, with her cheeks exhibiting a very rosy tone as a result of the heat and recent effort.

"Mind over matter," Xavier simply explained and Hank couldn't resist the need to run his hand down his face. Knowing all too well that this was not the only thing they were there to communicate, he prompted, "was there something you wanted to say?"

Ororo began to explain what had just transpired in a very summarized way. "The weather is not responding to my powers. I don't feel different and at first it looked like it was working, but then there was resistance." I'm not sure if it's because nature doesn't have any rain to give because of all this heat or something else... I'm worried that it's something else."

With his face turning serious and analytical, Xavier inquired, "you're sure this lack of responsiveness is not due to being tired?"

Ororo nodded, "I'm sure of it."

Xavier wasn't sure what to think of it. For it to be a natural phenomenon was unexpected, but there was no reason to suspect the involvement of another mutant, more so one that could influence the weather. Plus Ororo had made it clear that she thought her powers were functional and this was something else, outside interference not directly linked to her. "I can't be certain about what's happening yet, but I'll begin a search with Cerebro."

xoxox xox xoxox

A few minutes later, Xavier placed Cerebro's helmet on his head, with Logan and Ororo watching standing left and right of him. Hank had taken a much needed divergence to the kitchen, where he hoped to find some cold water to alleviate his dehydration... if the students had not yet consumed it all. Then, if there were no immediate emergencies to tend to, he would probably spend the rest of the afternoon trying to find ways to stay cool.

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