Revolution 3

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What do you guys think about including some Rogue x Remy in this story alongside the Kurt x Kitty?


Chapter 03: Amusement Park

There was a knock on the door, which Rogue did not perceive as she sat in front of a fan with small headphones in her ears. Kitty phased through the door of the room she shared with Rogue like she usually did, having no explanation for her sudden decision to knock. Rogue still seemed unaware of her presence even after Kitty called her name. Finally she went over and tapped her on the shoulder, not directly touching her skin of course.

Rogue turned her head to Kitty, whose expression was unsure, to say the least. She removed her headphones thinking this should be interesting. "What is it?"

Kitty laughed nervously before her face adopted a look quite similar to that of a sad kitten out in the rain. "Please, Rogue!"

Alarms went off in Rogue's mind, "oh no!" She refused even though she still didn't know what Kitty's request was about.

"Please!" Kitty begged. "You could at least like hear me out!" She insisted. "I need you to come to the amusement park with us!" She made it out to sound as if it was a matter of life or death.

"Are you kidding me?" Rogue's refusal still stood. "Long lines, the burning hot sun, big annoying crowds, not happening, not while this heat wave is still on!"

Kitty frowned; Rogue's reasoning was similar to what Evan had said. Maybe they were right, maybe she just really wanted to go out with Kurt and was willing to put up with all that. But she couldn't, it wouldn't be right, besides, now Amanda was going too. "Please!" Kitty begged. "I'll like never ask you to do anything for me ever again!"

Rogue knew that Kitty's particularly adamant insistence couldn't be without reason. "Okay, what's going on around here? Full story, right now."

Kitty sighed and confessed. "I kind of invited Kurt to go to the amusement park to cheer him up from dealing with the heat and like cool off with the wind of the roller coaster. It was supposed to be like a group outing and Amanda will be there. I don't think Evan wants to go and I don't want to get like stuck between them."

"So you need at least one more person there so that it feels like a group outing rather than you crashing a date." Rogue finished, more bluntly than she meant to, which made Kitty cringe. Feeling somewhat guilty, she placed a gloved hand on the other girl's shoulder. "Hey, it's okay, let's just go and try to enjoy our time at the park."

Though she was feeling uneasy about this, Kitty nodded, "yeah, thanks Rogue." She knew that Rogue was trying to be supportive in her own way.

xoxox xox xoxox

"Kurt!" As Kitty, Kurt and Rogue reached the main gates of the local amusement park, Amanda called out to him with a wave. She approached, then greeted his two companions, "Kitty, Rogue, hi."

Both mutant girls gave her casual greetings, with Kitty fighting with herself not to sound sad, or annoying, or anything other than cheerful. Amanda fell into a casual conversation which was mostly with Kurt, while Rogue added her comments now and then. Kitty was mostly quiet except when Rogue discretely prompted her to speak so that Kurt wouldn't notice she was feeling out of it.

The group walked through the park, heading towards the roller coaster. At least Evan and Rogue's theories weren't so accurate after all, as the place wasn't too crowded. Most people seemed to have indeed gathered at the pools and air conditioned malls looking to cool off. Then another familiar voice called out "Kitty!" Lance approached the group, mostly ignoring the others in favor of talking to Kitty. With how complicated Kitty was feeling, she welcomed the additional conversation and even agreed to take a detour to the snack stands for ice-cream.

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