Revolution 15

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Chapter 15: Sky Lights

"It looks like Mr. Logan is leading them away," Kitty concluded. Surely, Wolverine must have noticed their scent in that direction, as his powers didn't seem to be affected by whatever was interfering with the others. "Let's wait a little longer before we go back down there."

Kurt gave her a look of disbelief. "We just got out and you want to go back in there? Shouldn't we be calling for reinforcements?" He took out his communicator as he suggested the idea. Unfortunately, there was nothing but static to be sent or received. "Something's jamming the signal."

"Okay, I think it's been like long enough..." Kitty started down the tunnel again. "C'mon, we need to find Rogue, Remy and the device, then meet up with Mr. Logan."

Kurt followed Kitty down the tunnel with disbelief mixed with fascination. She wouldn't stop at reuniting with the others; she wanted to do something about what was interfering with their powers too. Albeit finding it would be hard if they didn't know what the device looked like or even its range. It's not like they had been testing their powers every few steps when they were on their way. Plus actually destroying such a thing might be difficult without their powers. Actually, if another group ambushed them, surviving might be more difficult.

It looked like most of the forces were concentrating on chasing Wolverine, thus Kitty and Kurt didn't run into anyone. However, they didn't really know where they were going either. Coincidentally, they ended up in the same chamber from before, in the middle of which there was the missile. "This isn't what we were looking for, but we might as well get rid of it too." Kitty approached it, if only she had her powers, she could easily reach beyond the metal covers and rip off the cables and finer circuitry from inside.

"Careful not to set it off," Kurt warned when he saw Kitty go for the control panel on the missile's side.

Kitty froze as doubt invaded her mind. "Maybe we should let Mr. Logan like check this out and make sure it won't explode before we try to do anything with it." She stepped back from the missile. "Where could Rogue and Remy be?" She looked around the chamber not really expecting to find anything, but something caught her eye above. "What's that?"

Kurt looked up. There was a strange device sticking out from the icy ceiling of the chamber. They couldn't see it when they first arrived, so they reasoned the recent earthquake must have loosened the snow and ice around it enough to uncover it. "That," Kurt mused, " is very suspicious."

"Do you think that's the machine affecting our powers?" Kitty theorized hopefully.

"Could be," Kurt also hoped that it was. It would certainly make things a lot easier if they could get that thing out of the way. With great agility, Kurt climbed on to one of the metal beams that formed a cage around the chamber. He held on to another beam that went across the cavern's ceiling and approached the strange machine. He looked down at Kitty, "step back."

Kitty moved out of the way from under Kurt in case more ice rocks or the whole machine fell. She watched from a safe position as Kurt dug around the machine with bits of ice and snow falling. Finally, he could see some kind of screen with numbers, most likely something that was operated by remote control. He checked further until he was able to move a panel next to it and uncovered a small control board. He didn't know what each number stood for, but his first guess was to set them to zero. He messed with the controls until he managed to do so and tried to teleport, but nothing happened. He kept poking at the controls until the machine shut down and still nothing happened. Finally he climbed down. "It's off now, but I still can't teleport."

Kitty touched the solid wall next to her. "My abilities aren't working either. I guess maybe that machine wasn't what's blocking our powers, but what is it then?"

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