Revolution 6

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Chapter 06: Heartbreak

Todd returned to the kitchen and greeted the cook with a grin. "Here's the next order."

The cook, a blond young woman, by the name of Tabitha, received the handwritten note and raised an eyebrow. "What's a kapoosheno?" She knew what it meant, but she asked anyway. The real question was who would want to drink a cappuccino in this merciless summer?

"It's a coffee," Todd replied as if the question was real, and he thought it was.

Wrinkling her nose in distaste at the mere prospect of a hot drink, and more so a hot drink that she would have to prepare, Tabitha inquired. "Who's the masochist?"

"Huh?" Todd had been distracted looking through the kitchen cabinets while Tabitha's eyes remained on the note in disbelief. "Amanda," he answered simply and matter of factly. "Don't ask me how she can stand it, yo, because I'm sure I don't know."

Tabitha's answer came as a surprise for Todd. "I do," she frowned as she said this, as if she remembered something personal, deep and regretful. Yet there was also a confident look in her eyes that assured that what had afflicted her in the past was something that she had found the strength to assimilate, accept and move on. "She's heartbroken," Tabitha assured with a full certainty that Todd didn't understand how she could have.

"She's on a date," Todd pointed out with confusion. How could anyone be heartbroken while on a date? If he was on a date with Wanda he wouldn't be heartbroken, all the opposite, he would be jumping with joy, probably literally. "How could she be heartbroken?"

"This isn't a date," Tabitha solemnly assured, as if paying her respects to someone who passed away. "It's a breakup..." The solemn silence hung in the air for a full minute, during which Tabitha's steady gaze kept Todd quiet. Then finally, Tabitha sprung to life without warning, startling Todd. "We have to spy on them!"

Without warning, Todd was her accomplice in spying. He didn't agree to it, but he didn't know how to disagree... if he wanted to disagree, which he didn't. "What about the French vanilla cappuccino and the shaved ice?"

"What shaved ice?" Tabitha blinked in confusion. "If we had shaved ice here I would have eaten it all. This hot kitchen is murder!"

"What about the big fridge?" Todd pointed at the large door at the opposite side of the kitchen.

Tabitha shuddered, remembering her own attempt to seek the comfort of ice. "I'm not going in there!" She stubbornly declared like a frightened child clinging to her mother's skirt, except she was actually holding on to the doorframe of the kitchen.

Todd looked at the door curiously at first, then with distrust. "What's in there?" Whatever it was, it certainly bothered Tabitha and he knew she was very brave.

Tabitha studied Todd for a moment with an analytical gaze. "Then again, it might not bother you so much." She grinned mischievously and swung her arm around his shoulders, her tall white chef's cap slightly askew. "Go take a look." She gave him a small push towards the fridge's door.

Worried by her tone, Todd shrunk back, but Tabitha kept urging him on. Seconds passed and eventually push turned to shove, literally. Thus to save himself from being flattened against the fridge's door, he went in. Then suddenly he jumped back and over a laughing Tabitha who, thankfully, closed the door. "What's in there?" Fright and alarm filled his voice and an unnatural green tint overtook his face. Anyone who said Todd usually looked a little green didn't know what Todd looking green looked like. That, right then, more so than ever before, was Todd looking green, very green.

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