Revolution 9

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Chapter 09: Expect the Unexpected

Lance and Todd were in awe. They weren't sure if they should thank Wanda or stare in awe some more, amazed at her pure genius. There was a hole on the ground next to the Brotherhood house, it wasn't too deep, but it was deep enough. "Very good," Wanda commended.

"Great, great, I did great, I know, I'm awesome, I'm amazing, I rock!" Pietro slurred speedily. He was covered in dirt from head to toe and he would probably scream when he came out of his drunken stupor and saw the muddy mess that was his hair. But that didn't matter to him right now, because he was too focused on playing a game with his sister and friends. It was a fun game without a name and he was winning.

Fred came outside after going through his things to make sure once more that they were properly packed. Maybe he didn't want to forget anything, or maybe he wanted to put as much of 'home' as he could into his luggage. He was indeed thrilled to return to Texas, but he would miss his life in New York too. He would see how it went, how he adapted, and decide than where he would remain. "Do you think it'll be finished before I leave?"

Lance observed the pace at which Pietro brought in materials, piling them in the hole, making it square. Blocks and cement and other materials... "I think it'll be done in a few minutes! But if you cannon ball into our new pool, you might break it, or at least throw out all the water." Lance elbowed Fred playfully. The aspect of a new pool to stay cool cheered him up enough not to be bothered by his failed advances towards Kitty. Perhaps he'd give it a rest, really.

Thus it continued, until finally, the actual pool was dropped in carried by a whirlwind that lifted thins much too heavy for any ordinary one person to carry. The finish was not that of a master architect, but it was good enough. Among cheers and congratulations that Pietro would find a tad mocking if he was in his full senses, the speedy mutant finally collapsed and the atmosphere went silent.

Wanda was at his side immediately, feeling remorseful for having made him work so hard stealing materials and building a pool in record breaking time, just so she could cool off. "Pietro!" She was on her knees, gently placing her brother's head on her lap and pressing her cool hand against his warm forehead. "Too hot, all that running around must have given him a temperature."

Todd considered the possibility of fainting from heat exhaustion later and hoping for some such treatment from Wanda. He made a mental note to try it, as he reasoned that he had nothing to lose. The worse case scenario was that he was left lying on the ground and that was not the worse that ever happened to him. He tugged away the idea in the back of his mind for a more appropriate time devoid of real emergencies, though if he could manage to recall his plan at a later date or not was doubtful.

"We better get him inside," Wanda dictated with worry still filling her face and voice. Fred obediently picked up the unconscious Pietro.

Up the stairs of the house they went, with Fred silently nothing how light Pietro was, though to a mutant of his strength and size most people were light. He set Pietro down on his bed and stepped aside to grand Wanda passage to her brother's bedside.

"Thanks Fred," Wanda voiced.

Upon hearing the expression of gratitude that Fred only replied to with a simple, "no problem," Todd mused that he should have carried Pietro.

Granted, Todd was the shortest out of the Brotherhood boys and likely lighter than Pietro, but that wasn't the point. Fred didn't know how to swell up with pride at having done something for Wanda, he did.

xoxox xox xoxox

By the next day, things were going relatively alright. Ororo was recovered, Kitty and Kurt were spending a lot of time hanging out together and Remy had gotten the hang of his powers thanks to Rogue's help and life went on as always... for the most part at least. Pietro had woken up with a headache and no memories beyond drinking with everyone. He reasoned that he must have gotten drunk, which would explain the acute feeling of a hangover, but didn't know anything else beyond that. He could only hope he didn't do anything too stupid.

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