Revolution 10

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Chapter 10: Filling The Spaces

The airplane was still approaching the glass window behind which Jean was focused on holding it back. Her mind was becoming exhausted and she could barely push back the airplane as its engines started. Scott looked at the jet bridge over on the next terminal near by. The airplane that he and Jean had left was moved away when the seemingly out of control airplane started heading towards the window, leaving the empty jet bridge there. He ran towards it, dashing through the tunnel with an idea in mind.

Lance focused on the ground outside the window and made it shake until it broke and buried the aircraft's tires, but the airplane continued to jerk forward at an odd angle, breaking the tires with the impulse from the engines. "Unless I bury that thing whole, it won't stop," Lance realized, and he didn't know how to accomplish that, not to mention that there were still passengers inside.

Scott appeared at the edge of the jet bridged, climbing out its side and on top of it. He aimed at the belly of the airplane where the cargo was, away from the central fuel tank and shot a laser from his eyes until the metal covering the aircraft began to melt into the ground below it. The turbines continued to spin, but the vessel could not move forward. The engines shook so wildly that they fell right off the wings. That was how those airplanes were built, they could fly even with one engine, but not without wings, so it was better to lose a vibrating engine than to risk a wing being torn off.

The turbines hit the ground and caught aflame, but seeing as the airplane was not moving, Jean let it go and instead moved the flaming engines away from the fuel filled wings. Down below on the runway, a security team quickly extinguished the flames and the danger passed. The airport's security team was working on getting the passengers out of the airplane as quickly as possible.

Scott came back inside the terminal through the jet bridge. Everyone was murmuring about the mutants, some even blaming them for what had happened, though they had actually just stopped it. It was best to tell the professor about this immediately and perhaps he would be able to clear things up. Jean tried to call out to Xavier with a psychic message, but she was too exhausted from the mental strain. She felt her balance slip from her and would have fallen in dizziness if not for Scott supporting her. He glanced at the Brotherhood, but they seemed just as confused as they were about what happened and Jean did say earlier that they had no bad intentions.

"We need to head back to the institute," Scott concluded. They were a day early, so no one was expecting them, thus no one had gone to meet them at the airport. They had come with gifts, cheerful stories and well wishes, but the warnings that they received about the suspicious happenings in the city were what came to greet them. "You should probably leave too."

Fred shook his head stubbornly. "No way, I have a flight to catch!" No sooner had he spoken those words when an announcement was heard all over the airport that they were closing up temporarily. The speaker went on to list the flights that were cancelled, among which was Fred's flight.

"Not anymore..." Todd stated the obvious, much to Fred's pouting annoyance.

With a groan of disappointment, Fred headed for the exit, dragging his feet and carryon luggage along with everyone else. He had forgotten about the bags he checked in earlier, but didn't really care at the time.

They were almost out of the airport when Lance felt a strong headache; he stumbled, but managed to stay on his feet. He looked at the floor as if searching for what he might have tripped on, but there was nothing, it was all a random loss of balance and it was inexplicable. "Did you lose something?" Pietro inquired in his usual speedy speech.

Lance shook his head; "no, it's nothing..." the pain was slowly subsiding just as quickly as it came. Strangely, he felt as if he had been exposed to this sensation before, but in a lesser intensity when he was watching TV earlier in the house. He paid it little mind and attributed it to some remnant of stress from what had just occurred.

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