Revolution 4

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Chapter 04: Disconcerted

After a very unexpected twist during their time at the amusement park, Kurt, Kitty and Rogue found themselves with Remy in their custody. Rogue checked his vital signs with the hand that still had a glove on. His pulse and breaths were tired but otherwise normal; he was in no moral danger. Kurt's voice expressed the question that was floating along with several others in Rogue's mind. "What are we going to do with him?"

Rogue shook her head as if to say she wasn't sure what they should do. She was still too shaken for words. "We should like take him to the institute," Kitty logically suggested. "Maybe the professor can figure out what's going on."

Kurt nodded, "sounds like a plan." He looked towards Amanda who was still frightened from the whole ordeal. With worry, he took note of the faint evidence of tears still present on her face. "I need to take Amanda home, then I'll teleport the rest of us to the institute, be back in a minute." He approached Amanda, softly taking her hand to get her out of her daze and teleported with her.

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Kurt and Amanda reappeared in the backstreets of her neighborhood, a short distance away from her house. Her parents were not fond of mutants and her relationship with Kurt had continued as a secret. "Are you going to be okay?"

Amanda nodded, though she was still almost shaking from what happened. "It's not fair you know..." She held back a sob. "When we do finally go out, it gets ruined."

"I'm sorry," Kurt apologized sincerely.

Amanda shook her head; this wasn't the time to talk about their relationship, not when Kurt's mind was elsewhere. She knew very well that he wanted to get back to his friends as soon as possible and they needed him to transport that young man to the institute before he woke up. Amanda wasn't sure how long that would take, but she knew Kurt was impatient, though he tried not to show it. "Go, we'll talk later."

"Are you sure?" Kurt asked with a tone of guilt.

"Yes," Amanda insisted, drying her eyes and forcing a reassuring smile.

Kurt knew that the smile wasn't real; he knew that Amanda was upset, but he would sort that out later... hopefully. "I'll call you later."

Amanda nodded, "okay," then in the blink of an eye, Kurt had disappeared, leaving only a small trail of smoke behind. The smoke dissolved into nothing and soon the faint scent of sulfur was also gone. She stood by herself on the sidewalk, the backs of her neighbors' houses behind her.

Letting out a tired breath, Amanda turned around and began to walk towards her house. This wasn't working, this was too much, they couldn't keep up with each other, they lived such different lives. Curiosity, fascination, mystery, compassion, friendship... it could only go so far and she knew it. Perhaps they both knew it. The gentle crush was reaching the point of disenchantment, they liked each other, but they held no true passion for each other, just sweet quiet affection... like friends, perhaps in time like family. It was over...

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Lance had watched the scene unfold in silence until he felt Kitty's questioning look on him followed by a very suspicious sounding intonation of his name. "Lance..."

Lance lifted his hands in a sign of innocence and defense. "I have nothing to do with this."

"And the Brotherhood?" Kitty further questioned.

"They're not involved as far as I know," Lance truthfully replied. "He," Lance pointed towards Remy, "has never truly sided with us before and I have no idea why anyone would want to attack this place. I really don't know what's going on." But he would make a mental note to ask Pietro about it, in case Magneto was somehow involved. Perhaps Pietro would not be willing to speak, but he might drop a hint.

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