chapter 1 || what i didnt know ♥︎

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|| Aaliyah's POV ||

The smell of strong, fatty bacon cooking downstairs makes my stomach gurgle as my tired eyes begin to greet this dull world once again.

My nose feels as if it's been placed in a freezer overnight and came back to me just in time for my waking. The cold air around me forces me deeper into my duvet

Mother walks in with her hair tied into an over flattened bun, a long formal dress hangs off her perfectly as she strides up toward me impatiently.

"Ellie it's 9am, we have church in an hour. Get changed and go and have some breakfast and we'll get on our way." She insists as her long acrylics tap my back to ensure I'm awake. I gently nod my head with my eyes tight shut.

Church is just about the only time I am able to see people other than my family. I live with my mother, father, older brother Johnathon, grandma and our lovely husky Bernard.

My feet make contact with the cold wooden slats of my floor, curling up almost instantly. My wardrobe, only feet away overflows with my crumpled up clothes.

To my luck, I manage to pull up my black tartan skirt and white polo shirt that were just about the only two items of clothing not rolled up into a ball and shoved as tightly as possible into my wardrobe.

After changing, i plait my wavy, brown hair easily as it is slightly still damp from my shower the previous night. I slightly brush the tips to stop the split ends being too obvious.

I can't resist the growing strong smell of delicious bacon and refuse to do any makeup. I rush downstairs in anticipation, ready to eat some lovely food.

I'm greeted by my dad downstairs as he fiddles with his tie, adjusting it into place. My brother and grandma are already at the table hungrily eating the bacon sandwiches and Bernard sits patiently by grandmas feet waiting for his share of bacon.

"You ready for church El?" Jonathon asks throughout slurps of his coffee.
"Yeah I guess." I groan. "As much as I like actually getting a bit of socialisation, it's getting so boring." I sign, playing with my steaming bacon.

"I'd keep it down if I were you." Grandma interrupts as she listens I closely to our conversation. "You know how religious your mother is and how she raised you to follow Gods' rules. If she heard you say something like that she'd be distraught, and most likely not forgive." She hesitantly states, turning back to her tea as if nothing just happened. I'm left staring her in the face.

"What kind of rules are there in Christianity?" I ask curiously.
"There are quite a lot." Johnathon states. "Like not being gay, you have to follow the ten commandments, there are loads."

I sit in silence as my tea begins to cool, my palms shaking as I'm struck by this new information. Why would it be a sin to be gay? And why is it bothering me so much? Does that mean my mother is homophobic?

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