chapter 5 || im not a lesbian?♥︎

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I sit beside her on the sofa of my house. A girl I hardly know, yet she's so beautiful, I couldn't resist spending more time with her.

I feel her head tilt towards me slightly as she admires my face. I feel a hot flush rising upon my cheeks as I pretend not to notice her.

"You're so beautiful." She whispers into my ear, smiling brightly as her thick blonde hair hangs down my her ears.

"So are you, I think I like you." I stutter, looking into her dark hazel eyes nervously.

Before I know it, our lips are pressed up against each other. Her soft lips press deeply against mine as she clutches my tightly.

Nothing has ever felt so amazing. Her cherry scented lips show no signs of letting go. We continue to passionately kiss on the sofa as she begins to sit up, our lips still interlocked.

We stand up together as she pushes my back against the wall and darts her tongue into my mouth. She roams my mouth freely with her tongue as I kiss her plumped lips constantly.

"God I love you so much." She whispers into my mouth as I continue at her lips.

I hear the front door pound open, followed by an extremely shocked gasp from my mother. She throws her shopping to the side and grabs me from the girls arm and kicks me to the ground.

"You sinner." She screams, continuing to kick me over and over. I've never felt so much emotional pain in my entire life.

——— END OF DREAM ———

I wake up wailing as sweat drips off my back. Why did I have that dream? I made out with a girl and I didn't pull away. Why did it happen?

The images of my mother seeing me kiss her sticks in my brain like glue. The force of the kicks were haunting.

My dad rushes into my room, sitting beside me as I regain my breath.
"What happened love?" He whispers, stroking my back as I breathe heavily into the cold enclosed air.

"Just a bad dream." I mumble, still unable to process the images. I see the perfect opportunity to tell my dad about college.

"Okay I'll come and check on you in a little bit, you get some rest and I'll sneak some food up for you later." He mutters, double checking mom isn't around.

"Dad before you go.." I begin, taking a deep breath. "I've been thinking about college, and I think I've found the perfect one."

I open up my laptop, the website still opened up as the bright screen blinds me.
"It's called Sentra College in New York City. I've been doing so much research and I'm 16 now, so I'm eligible to apply, and it's a fresh start for me."

My dad investigates the screen as I watch for any positive expression. He then turns to me, drawing close eye contact as my heart beat raises.

"Love, I want what's best for you and you're 16 now. I know that you're a wonderfully bright girl and you're at an age where you should be able to make your own decisions, so I'm happy for you to apply. You might not necessarily get in, but all of the homeschooling exams you've done are amazing, so I can't see why not." He smiles, hugging me close to him.

"Thank you so much dad." I whisper to avoid my mother hearing. I hug him tightly.

This is a big step, but this is my life now and I'm ready to try something new. It's time for my life to begin.

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