chapter 9 || the LGBT club ♥︎

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|| Aaliyah's POV ||

The entire morning, I've been thinking about Cora, and why I get butterflies in my stomach when I'm around her. I really don't know.

The bell sounds for lunch, I instantly follow Cora to the LGBT club as we walk together out of maths.

The most beautiful room in the entire school is within my view. Rainbow flags are dotted all around the outside and tens of students walk in, holding hands with their partners.

I follow Cora to a table at the front of the classroom as she introduces me to Mrs Darla. She shakes my hand and introduces me to the club as Cora sits back beside me.

"So what exactly do you do at this club?" I ask curiously as Cora fiddles with her wristband.
"Talk about stuff I guess. Or just sit on your phone. This is kind of the safe space of the school that anyone can come to just feel worth and happiness." 

We spend a moment just smiling at one and other.
"Well the thing is." I begin, taking a deep breath "my mother believes being gay is a sin, and when I tried to fight against it, she got really mad, and I don't know why I care so much. I think I might be, you know."

Cora nods, not giving any shocked expressions at all.
"If  you think you're gay, don't feel pressured to come out or label yourself. And it's amazing that you'd do that honestly, LGBT is literally the best thing ever." She giggles, touching my shoulder.

Her beautiful eyes stare me in the face as her natural face glows, how badly I want to kiss her right now.

"Hey want to come round to my place later and maybe stay the night?" I offer smiling brightly as Cora jumps at the opportunity.
"Id love to." She smiles, her hand still resting on my shoulder.

I can't believe I've just confessed everything I've been bottling up to somebody I've known for literally a day. This is so strange, but Cora makes me feel something nobody else can.

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