chapter 3 || back against the oak tree ♥︎

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|| Aaliyah's POV ||

For the past half an hour, I've been perched beside a tree, gathering thoughts. It's not been easy. It's not been easy at all.

An additional year trickles down my burning cheek. The shade of my face represents the anger, the fear and the hurt that I'm feeling right now.

I anxiously watch as many leave the church in a line and head for the car park. I eventually see my brother, grandma and dad scanning the church land for me. My brother eventually spots me and points me out to my worried dad and grandma.

My dad walks over to me, ushering Johnathon and grandma to the car to catch up with my mother who stormed right ahead in anger.

I watch as he silently sits beside me, looking off into the distance as more leave the church.
"Why did you run out Aaliyah?" He softly asks, making eye contact with me.
"I-I can't tell you." I mutter, burrowing my head into my knees.

"Look Aaliyah, I know that all your life, you've not had anyone to really talk to about this. You're 16 now, I understand that you're probably becoming curious and I don't think it's fair for your choice to be made for you about who you are. But when you live in a Christian family with somebody as religious as your mother, some things just aren't worth it."

I take in the information, happy to know that my dad understands where I'm coming from slightly.
"Dad this isn't about me being gay. I'm not. It's just not fair that people should be judged for who they choose to love." I sob, unable to control myself.

"When I was your age, I knew a girl named Jennifer, she was gay. Her parents weren't religious but were very judgemental. When she came out, they believed she was a disgrace to her family and they kicked her out. Your mother loves you and wants the best for you, and I'm not saying that she'd ever kick you out of the house, she just wants what's best for you and wants you to focus on the right things." He insists, stroking my bag as I sob uncontrollably.

"Thank you." I mumble as my tears begin to slow down and eventually stop.

"I think you just need a bit of a break from everything, maybe I could book you into a motel for the night so you can just get away from it all and gather your thoughts." He asks hopefully. I nod with utter relief.

Dad holds my hand on the way to the car as ours is the only one left in the parking lot. Mom sits impatiently in the front, tapping her nails on the side window as I trudge into the back seats.

As we get in, my dad instantly begins speaking.
"Can we stop off at the starlight motel on the way, Aaliyah's going to spend the night." He asks my mom hopefully.

She looks back in utter shock at me and then my dad angrily.
"I think not Henry." She aggressively shouts at him, staring him deeply in the eye. "This brat isn't getting a trip to the motel for running out of church! You completely embarrassed this family and for that you deserve punishment.

I've never heard my mom use the word punishment. Yes when I was young she maybe put me on time out or didn't let me have dessert if I didn't eat all of my dinner. That's about as far as it went. 

I think I'm a few years too old for the naughty step anymore. What will she do to me?

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