chapter 6 || the announcement♥︎

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|| Aaliyah's POV ||

I spent hours on thee application to be sure that it's perfect. I'm confident that I have as good a chance as anyone.

My grandma carefully opens the door in her dressing gown and hair tied into a tidy bun.
"Your mothers gone out for a few hours, why don't you come downstairs, I'll make you some beans on toast if you'd like." She beams, fixing her hair as she waits for my response.

I nod my head slightly, worried that my mother might come back.

I'm greeted by Bernard as he wags his fluffy tails in the kitchen. My brother and dad sit at the table listening to the radio closely as football game results are being commentated.

I nervously sit beside them as my dad gives me a wink, sipping on his steaming green tea.

"I-i have something to say." I stammer, hoping for everybody's attention. "I've applied for a college in New York. If I get in, im going to study art particularly and continue with all my usual subjects I do at home."

There's a moment silence in the room until everybody around me begins cheering excitedly, filling me up with relief.

"That's amazing, how will you find out if you've got in?" Johnathon asks hopefully.
"Well it's application season as of right now, so they go through the applications as they receive them. If they instantly like the sound of one, they'll send a text to say that the person got in." I confidently state, proud of all the research I did.

"So technically if your application was amazing, you could find out any minute?" He questions, seeming more excited about this than I am.
"Yeh I suppose." I giggle as a large plate of beans on toast are placed in front of my by my grandma.

The atmosphere returns quiet as everybody goes back to their previous occupations. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket dimly, making my heart skip a beat.

I pull it out shakily, and it's the news I've been hoping for. My life is about to change.

"I-I got in." I mumble almost silently, but the word gets across coherently enough. They all run up to me and hug me tightly, even Bernard joins in my wagging his tail and barking in the circle.

I can hardly believe it. I place my phone back down on the table, uncontrollably shaking.

Without a word, I run upstairs and pull out 4 large rucksacks. I need to pack my entire life into these bags, because after today, my life will never be the same.

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